Chapter 47 - Drip, Good Man Card

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Fu Yan looked at the rubble of the place and felt that feudal superstition killed people. Then he silently approached Fan Xiangyi and asked in a low voice like a breath, "How do you do it?"

Fan Xiangyi glanced at him with drooping eyelids. As if to say: you ask me?

Fu Yan asked again, "Is it okay to throw it away?"

Fan Xiangyi didn't respond at all this time.

But if he didn't speak, Fu Yan automatically tacitly agreed that it was feasible. Even if it's not feasible, Fu Yan has been marked by the boss anyway, so there is nothing to worry about.

So Fu Yan waved his hand and asked the servants to move the things to the utility room. Fu Yan's attendant also asked, "Master National Teacher, do you need to deal with it first..."

"No, it's just an ordinary thing, just leave it alone." Fu Yan waved his hand and asked the waiters to carry the things, and Fan Xiangyi brought it The guards also went to help.

Taking advantage of the fact that there were not many people, Fu Yan asked Fan Xiangyi again: "Do you mind if I ask, who is Zhong Yushuang?"

Fan Xiangyi's eyes were like "you ask me?" again.

"Let's just chat." Fu Yan said, "I saw the name in the manual this morning, but I don't know who it is... I calculated it according to the time, and there is a guess."

Fan Xiangyi still did not speak, and even looked at elsewhere.

But Fu Yan saw through him, he didn't move, he was just listening. Fu Yan guessed that if he said something outrageous, he would definitely be refuted impatiently by the boss, so he said it with confidence.

"Zhong that the player who became the third princess?"

Fu Yan quietly observed Fan Xiangyi's state. As long as the boss maintained his original expression, Fu Yan admitted that he was right: "Everything has been delivered, so the third princess has already been dealt with? Then she won't come to harass me, will she?"

After a while, he didn't either. After waiting for Fan Xiangyi's response, he said, "Thank you for your help."

Fan Xiangyi looked at him, but remained silent, as if he had made up his mind to keep Fu Yan solo. Fu Yan didn't care either. Although no one paid attention to him, as long as he wasn't embarrassed, what was his business if others were embarrassed?

As for last night, he scolded Fan Xiangyi first, and then asked others for help with a shy face, Fu Yan said: As a social animal, you can't touch the fish if you want your face.

Fu Yan was even able to relax and chat with Fan Xiangyi: "Will you come to the ceremony tomorrow?

"How big do you think the pen fairy formation I draw will Qi Yingfei come?

"Last time it seemed that something happened to the pen fairy formation I drew, so I invited you. Will something happen this time..."

In Fan Xiangyi's silence (but he didn't leave), the guards finally came back. The guards were stunned when they saw the cold-faced captain and the cold and aloof national teacher standing together, and then stepped forward to reply: "Master National Teacher, it's all put away."

"Thank you." When he was falling, he glanced at Fan Xiangyi, as if thanking him again.

Fan Xiangyi turned away and said, "Go."


The guards followed Fan Xiang and left without hesitation.

Fu Yan watched the tall guards go away, and remembered the words Cen Yi said about Qi Yingfei.

- Oh, arrogant.


the afternoon, Cen Yi and Cen Yi finally came.

Cen Yi didn't give a shit, and as soon as he came, he explained the matter of the "three princesses" first. It was also at this time that Fu Yan knew the ins and outs of the whole thing.

It is said that the captain of the guard saw the smoke when he was patrolling at night, and then immediately took someone to check the palace and courtyard where the third princess was. No matter how fast the third princess and a little palace maid were to clean up, how could they be able to withstand the investigation by the guards when they were in a panic? As soon as the remaining paper money was found, the matter was completely revealed, and the prince and the queen were stabbed that night.

No way, the queen mother is old and the emperor is not in good health. It is better not to harass them directly at night. So the queen, the crown prince, and the eldest princess who returned to their parents' home formed a group in the middle of the night and rushed into the palace of the third princess and concubine in a majestic manner. First, we thoroughly searched this place, and then everyone in this palace was severely questioned. This time, it was almost dawn. Cen Yi also finally started to do the thing that the queen kept asking him to do but he dragged on - go to the national teacher to consult about it.

So Cen Yi came.

After returning, the queen was thinking about how to deal with the third princess. Cen Yi thought that if he cleaned up this player now, recruiting ghosts in advance would mess up the plan, so he suggested that the third princess and her mother-in-law should be grounded first. After the emperor and the queen mother woke up, they went to report and ask for their opinions, and finally it was not too late to clean them up after the prayer ceremony was over.

The queen agreed.

"So it is."

Fu Yan understood after hearing the story. No wonder the third princess player has a favorable impression of Cen Yi. She thinks that the prince NPC is saving her, so she naturally has a favorable impression of him.

However, Fu Yan felt that Zhong Yushuang's favor would not affect the overall situation, so he didn't mention her, just asked: "Did you have a dream last night?"

"About this matter, Master Guo Shi, you are really right." Cen Yi said, "Cen Yi and I both dreamed, how about you?"

Fu Yan: "No."

"How can your prediction be accurate to this point? But It's really the upper body of the national teacher..." Cen Yi said, "Hey, I said last time that you can analyze his dream, it's very accurate, and you can also give me a staff member?"

Fu Yan threw the whisk away and leaned on the back of the chair: "Say Bar."

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