I Don't Want To Leave You

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"You aren't leaving me, we're just meeting up later.  I know that sounds weird and oddly the same but it isn't.  I'll call you every night and we can sleep with Facetime like we used to."

"Are you not gonna miss me?"

"Of course I am, but I'm trying to look at it differently because nothing's gonna change the fact that life has to start up again and this is part of our life. We knew that."

Lisa yelled from the living room that Chris was going to be late if he didn't hurry this along so I spoke back up.  "You need to get going.  Call or text me after you land, okay?"

We were walking hand in hand, making our way to the door where Lisa was waiting.  Scott was on the sofa, looking at his phone, before he stood to tell Chris goodbye.  Once they got a hug in, Scott returned to where he had come from.  Lisa took Chris' rolling suitcase and told us she would meet him at the car.  Turning back to look at me, Chris took a deep breath before placing the second strap of his backpack on his shoulder.  He reached down and around my back to hold me tight while I did the same to him.  Mumbling into his chest, I tried to convince him while also myself, that the week would fly by.  "Hopefully it won't take the whole week and Scotty and I will be there with you sooner.  Okay?"

"Mm hmm."

"You have everything but I'll do a second sweep before we head out and if you left something I'll bring it with me."

Chris had laid his head down on top of mine, allowing me to feel him nod in acknowledgement of what I had said so I spoke up again.  "As much as I don't want to let go either, your mother is going to have a fit if you don't get out there."

"I know, I'm just having a hard time letting go."

That's when we heard Scott yell from the next room.  "For the love of everything on Earth!  It won't even be seven days before you see each other again."

Chris playfully growled at his brother while I giggled.  Reaching up, I kissed Chris.  It was meant to be a small kiss, but he held my head in place and literally made my legs feel like jello from the way he kissed me.  It was so intense, it made me tingle in places.  He let go and smiled a devilish grin before placing his forehead to mine.  It had become a thing for us, to take in times like this, almost stop to memorize the moment.  Catching his breath, Chris spoke quietly to me.  "I just wanted to make sure I gave you something to remember me by so we can pick that back up once you come back to me."

My eyes had to be wider than he was used to and I realized that I needed to close my mouth that was agape from not only that kiss but the words that he had just spilled.  Chris had a satisfied smile on his face as I finally found my vocal cords again.  "How the hell do you do that to me?  Do you try to make me swoon or does it just come naturally?"

Chris laughed, wrapping me tightly in his arms once more before letting go and walking through the door.  I followed him onto the porch as he turned to me for a quick kiss this time and told me goodbye.  "I'll see you in a few days okay?  You and Scott be careful.  I love you Feisty."

"I love you too Butterbean.  Be careful too and let me know when you get there."  Nodding back to me, Chris jumped into the car with his mom and off they went.

Turning, I walked straight to the kitchen for the cup of coffee I would need before dealing with my friend who was still sitting on the sofa.  I knew Scott was going to come in full force with the questions as soon as Chris left so as I walked by, I didn't make eye contact but made my voice heard.  "I can feel you looking at me and no, I do not want to talk about the past few days."

Scott stood and walked one step behind me all the way to the Kurig.  Reaching in the cabinet, I pulled out my mug and placed it in the correct spot before putting my coffee pod in and hitting start.  I wiped away the tears that had spilled out when I shut the door behind Chris and realized we really wouldn't see each other for a week.  I had just lectured him that it really wouldn't be long before we saw each other again but after having so much time off together, it was harder than I thought it would be once reality struck.  Maybe we didn't need the space to regroup like I had originally thought because he hadn't been gone five minutes and I missed him already.  What the hell had this man done to me? 

A Whole New World...Or Possibly LifeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant