"Very well, Jennifer, I'll take care of everything. You just make sure you're there." He says before retreating into the woods. I don't wait to see him disappear completely, because I have to get back to Liam. Hopefully he's still sounds asleep because I really don't know what to tell him about my little 'escape'.

It seems like the odds are in my favor tonight, I can hear his regular and steady breathing, coming from his bedroom. Not wanting to risk the chance of him waking up, I slip back under the comfort of my own covers and try not to think about what I'm going to do. Those wolves are innocent, or at least they would be if it weren't for alpha Nathan and his merciless commands. I think back to a conversation I once had with Lainie. Yes, sacrifices have to be made. No going back now. I'm so close to getting my revenge. I just need to hold on and try not to let the guilt consume me.

The night is long and I'm unable to go back to sleep after my encounter with alpha James. At breakfast Liam notices my silence and weird behavior. He tries to get a conversation going, but I'm in no mood to talk to him right now. To be honest I'm too distracted, totally focused on my wicked thoughts about how I'm going to pick my first victims. Should I choose them by age, gender surname in alphabetical order? Maybe everyone who's wearing a pink or red T-shirt today? It's so difficult.

"Jennifer, are you alright?" Liam places his hand on my forehead and frowns when he discovers I'm not burning up. Well I am now, but because of his touch and not because I'm sick. My eyes widen slightly, since when am I reacting to his touch? Is it because my birthday is coming closer? Could he honestly be my mate? Suddenly my eyes begin to glaze over as I realize a bond is forming between the two of us. Whether it's a mate bond or something else, I yet have to figure out.

"No, everything is fine. Don't worry Liam." I finally say, I'm proud to say that my voice didn't crack nor waver while I lied to him.

"Alright, if you start to feel dizzy or something you'll have to tell me immediately alright?" He sounds genuinely concerned and my heart swells with a feeling that can also be described as love. But it's not as strong.

"Yes, I promise." I state while putting my hand over my heart dramatically. He rolls his eyes at me but the worry in his eyes is gone.

His eyes glaze over and I know that he's talking to someone through the mind link. I still haven't joined this pack and I'm not sure if I want to. It's too easy for alpha Nathan to control me and order me around that way. Though I do miss having a connection to a pack. I'm not cut out for the rogue life and not being tied to a pack is starting to rub off on me. Luckily being close to Liam seems to keep me sane. But maybe this is why I was courageous enough to display my anger towards alpha James. Because being a rogue is affecting me, too.

"Josephine is asking if you want to spent the day with her." Liam is tilting his head and regards me with interest. "I don't want you to go I'd you're not feeling well."

This makes me roll my eyes. Can't he stop worrying for once? "Tell her I'm on my way. I promise to let you know if something happens." I skip out of the little apartment and to Josephine's. Humming quietly on my way there, my eye falls on the women sitting in the living room. They're talking animatedly and seem to be having a good time. It only now occurs to me that everybody is still keeping a fair distance from me. Maybe I can use that to choose my first victims. These women. Nodding my head I walk further and knock on Josephine's front door.

It doesn't take long for her to answer and in no time we find ourselves in her living room with a cup of tea. She's talking about some of the women here in the pack. Apparently they're planning on holding a high tea. An event I'm not invited to, if the women have a say in it. But Josephine insists that I should come, too, because I'm also a woman and I really should make more friends. According to her I'm a bit of a loner. Always on my own if it weren't for her and Liam.

"I'm not just depending on you or Liam." I defend myself. "Isabelle, Macey and Glenn are my friends, too!"

Josephine rolls her eyes at me. "Yeah, but those are all connected to Liam in a way." She points out.

"So? What's wrong with that?" I retort. "Maybe I'm comfortable this way." I whisper under my breath. I don't want to make more friends, I'll get more attached and it'll be harder to betray them the way I'll have to. "Besides, I'm a rogue. They won't trust me."

"Wouldn't it be nice to have some friends of your own?" Josephine keeps pushing me. "Get to know them, earn their trust like you did with me."

Suddenly my thoughts from earlier this morning pop up in my mind. This high tea might actually be a good opportunity to carry out my plan with alpha James. Slowly I nod my head, showing Josephine that I'm thinking about what she's saying.

"Alright, fine." I reluctantly give in. "So what so you need me to do? Shall I prepare some sandwiches? Maybe set up the tables?" Upon hearing my words, Josephine squeals happily.

"Sure, why don't you help me set up the tables. Everything else is already taken care of." Her smile is affectious and I find myself smiling, too. "Liam will be so happy you're finally making real efforts!"

The rest of the afternoon is spent with me listening to Josephine's babbling about the high tea. Apparently they hold one every three months. It serves as a little break for the women. That day all the males will take over from the women, taking care of the pups and cooking dinner. The last one was held a little while before I stumbled on their land. For my plan to be executed as best as possible, I need the high tea to be outside in the woods. Maybe I could get Josephine to suggest it, because otherwise people might suspect me of being the one to ambush us.

"The weather is getting better," I mention to her. We're currently sitting outside because I told Josephine I needed some fresh air. She throws her head back and drinks in the sunlight.

"It sure is," she agrees and sighs happily.

"Summer is coming soon, I can feel it." I lie on my back and close my eyes. This sure is comforting and relaxing. "Only good things will happen to me from now on."

"Yeah, I think you're right. You've gone through a lot, it's about time something good's happening to you." Her words sound sincere, but I don't bother to open my eyes and leave my little world of happiness to watch her facial expression. I trust her. "Liam is the best thing that could happen to you. I'm glad you got someone like him for a mate."

"Thank you, but you don't have to say that. I know you were disappointed when you two found out you weren't meant to be." I prop myself up on both my elbows and regard her. She looks at me in surprise and nods absentmindedly.

"At first I was, but then in realized we probably wouldn't work out well. Sure he's my best friend, but to think of being with him twenty four hours a day..." She shudders and laughs. "No thank you."

Now I'm laughing, too. "You know, this morning my body reacted to his touch for the first time." I admit. It's something I'm actually happy about and I just need to talk about it to someone. At home in would have immediately gone to Allyssa and babbled about it. But my friend isn't here and Josephine is a great girl, too.

"Really? You felt the bond?" She asks curiously.

"Not really," I shift my gaze to the ground. "It's just, my body got a little heated when he touched my forehead. But usually nothing happens at all. It took me by surprise and I'm gaining a little more faith in him being my mate."

"You still don't truly believe him?" She asks astonished. I shake my head. How could I believe him so easily?

"I'm getting there."

"Good, he wouldn't lie to you." Josephine states. I nod and lie back down again. "Your life will only get better from now on. You'll make a lot of friends and summer is coming."

"I hope so," I sigh. "I wish everybody could enjoy the sun."

"Yeah, me too. It's really peaceful." Suddenly she jumps up and I have a feeling that I've accomplished my goal. "Why don't we hold the high tea out here? There's a beautiful meadow a little further into the woods!" She jumps up and down.

"That would be great! Wish I thought of that!" I try to mirror her excitement, but inside my mind I'm rolling my eyes.

"Let's go tell my brother!" She pulls me up and drags me to alpha Nathan's office. Well shit.

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