Isabella x Florist Male Reader

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Title: Pretty..Pretty flower
Genera: Fluff
(This will also be a AU were they have no powers!)

Your POV
I waved goodbye at another costumer putting away money the kind women paid me before looking over at the door seeing a beautiful women walk in "Wow..."I muttered to myself before blushing as the lady laughed lightly standing in front of me "O-Oh! Shit sorry!" I spoke "No no your alright dear! Um could you point me to where the best flowers here are?" She politely asked "Yeah! I-I mean um yeah sure" I nervously said walking her over to the perfect flowers me and some co workers of mine sold

She smiled picking up an imperfect flower cause jokes on you our "perfect flowers" are both perfect and imperfect "Ah I see you like those kinds of flowers huh?" I slyly asked with my arms crossed as the lovely women nodded with a wide smile looking at the flowers in her hands "I mean their so beautiful in their own way, it's so amazing right! Oh" she trailed off as she saw she was now in my face making us both blush madly backing away from each other "Anyways lemme pay for these" she spoke quickly which I nodded to

She paid for the flowers and I handed her back some change sneakily slipping in my phone number and my name "Well you have a great day beautiful...I-I mean miss!" I spoke covering my mouth while the women nodded with a blush and laughed a bit but also slipping her phone number next to my hand without me seeing it "Well I'll see you next time handsome" she replied back winking at me before leaving the place as I watched her leave smiling like a love sick puppy before noticing a piece of paper next to my hands making me pick it up with a smile

Here's my number handsome
Call me when ya can love<3

I kissed the note lovingly while staring off into space day dream

Isabella's POV
I smiled walking back to my house while looking at the flowers before noticing a white piece of paper picking it up and examining it

Hey beautiful,
you can call me whenever!
-Y/n :D

I kissed the note before putting it to my chest smiling while skipping back to my house in a happy mood

I forgot who wanted this chapter lol anyways enjoy it cause I have been having writing block💀🙏

𝕄𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝕛𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕖𝕪. 𝔼𝕟𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕠 𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤 [FIN]Where stories live. Discover now