"Will it ever stop?" Noze asked weakly.

"Y/N doesn't stop until she gets what she wants. Whatever she does, she's going to wrap Sana around her finger once again." Nayeon guessed.

"And she'll most probably succeed. Sana is very sensitive when it comes to Y/N and Y/N is very good at manipulating." Seulgi added. "That's why I suggest you to distance yourself from Y/N. You're going to get hurt badly in the end."

"And stop letting her use you as her fake girlfriend just to make Sana jealous. I mean everyone's going to find out that you guys aren't in a relationship." Nayeon said as a matter of fact.

"It's easier said than done..." Noze looked them both in the eyes.


"Why did you ask me to come here? I'm busy." Y/N asked Chaeyoung when she came to the younger girl's place.

"I need your help."

"With?" Y/N raised her eyebrows.


"I'm not giving you drugs."

"Yah! You know very well that I don't do that shit anymore, I'm completely sober!" Chaeyoung yelled in frustration. She hates to even joke about it.

"What is it then?"

"There's this drug dealer that won't leave me alone because I won't buy drugs from him anymore. He keeps bothering me and Mina and I don't know how to make him stop."

"Just get rid of him." Y/N suggested.

"Unnie, I'm not doing that anymore."

"I know, I know, you started a complete new life, I get it but why are you asking me for help? You know how I handle things like these." Y/N either scares them to death and if that doesn't work, she gets rid of them.

"I just want you to scare him. He knows who you are and he'll definitely stop bothering me once you scare him off."

"Fine. Where do we find this guy?"

"I can call him and tell him to meet with us." Chaeyoung suggested.

"Fine, then do that." Y/N agreed and Chaeyoung called the guy. The two went to an alley where the guy asked them to come to. Of course he did not expect Y/N to come along with Chaeyoung.

"Why is she here?" He asked in a scared tone.

"To teach you a lesson, you son of a bitch." Y/N answered and cornered him against the wall while strangling his neck. "I heard you were bothering one of my people. I thought I told you to stay away from anyone who's close to me."

"I... I didn't... know she was one of your people." He informed with lots of difficulty since he can barely breathe. 

"You should have known." Y/N started to laugh and only strangled him harder.

"Unnie, don't fucking kill him." Chaeyoung said from next to her. Yes, she asked Y/N for help but she knows very well that the older girl can go too far sometimes. 

"Don't worry he'll be fine."

"You think I'm scared of you? I'm not." He chuckled.

"I know you are. You were fucking trembling when you saw me." Y/N said into his ear. "I ended you once, I can do it again."

"Then do it." He smirked and Y/N kicked him in the stomach. He fell on the ground and Y/N pulled him up again.

"You either leave Chaeyoung and her friends alone or I'll break your head. Understood?"

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