An interesting Journey

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I was nervous, well actually I'm always nervous.
However, today there was no containing it!
"Hyacinth, hurry up and eat your breakfast or we will be late" my mother shouted from upstairs.
She was getting ready to drop me off, before her shift at the hospital.
"I'm not hungry mum, I'll just grab a meal deal at the station" I replied.
The first day of school all over again, just my luck to have to experience it twice.

I don't know how mum manages to stay so nonchalant, and cool all the time.
She's a nurse, and unlike me is rarely ever nervous.
She is sometimes asked to temp at different hospitals, and it doesn't bother her at all.
She just struts in, makes friends with everyone, and helps save lives like it's a jog in the park.
I could never.

"Right, sweetie you have to eat something! We don't even know if there will be food on that train" she said as she walked into the kitchen, her beautiful dark brown skin glistening.
Her long black braids tied neatly in a bun at the nape of her neck.
"You look nice today mum" I smile  "I'm not hungry honestly I'm too nervous".
"Today? I always look nice darling!" She smirks "You have nothing to be nervous about, you heard that charming man at the ministry of spells hearing-"
  "Ministry of Magic" I correct her.
"Same thing! He said you will feel very comfortable at your new school after everything that happened in June. You don't need to worry" she rubbed my shoulders from behind and kissed the crown of my head.

The journey to Kings Cross didn't take very long, finding parking however- different story.
The station was packed, and just as I suspected platform 9 and 3/4s was nowhere to be found.
The man at the hearing told us to wait by the shops, there would be a prefect escorting us to the platform.
I was halfway expecting to see somebody holding a sign with my name, like chauffeurs did at the airport.

Out of nowhere a bushy haired girl pops up with her hand stretched out.
"Hi there! you must be Hyacinth Hydrangea Hardwell. I'm Hermoine Granger here to escort you to platform 9and 3/4s, I'm also  your buddy for the journey. Just until we get to Hogwarts obviously.. then you'll be sorted into a house along with the first years" she said firmly and quickly, as she shook my trembling, sweaty hand.
"Hello, nice to meet you. This is my mother Shola" I replied.
"Ahh yes, ofcourse Mrs Shola Hardwell pleasure to make your acquaintance" Hermoine smiled.
She walked us over to a wall, I thought we were waiting for something to happen.
All of a sudden two kids no older than 12 run past us and into it.
Mum gasps and reaches out, but they disappear.
"Hyacinth all you have to do is walk into this wall confidently without stopping. If you think you're going to stop... then it's best you run".
"Run? Into the wall? Isn't there another way?" I ask bewildered.
"I'm afraid not" Hermoine replies.
"What about my mother?"
"I'll help her get in don't worry, I'm used to it. My parents are muggles too you see. We really must hurry though".
I nod in response.
I spent the summer wrapping my head around 'magic'. However, since my hearing at the ministry I hadn't really seen anything magical so to speak. Well aside from that one day I visited Diagon Alley to buy my wand, and school supplies.
Nonetheless I had assumed in their world, they made use of helpful inventions such as doors, windows, lifts and stairs.
Here I was, about to Chuck away four years of braces and painful orthodontics, by running face first into a wall in the middle of King's Cross station. As if I hadn't suffered enough public ridicule.
"Clock is ticking" Hermoine chuckled nervously.
"You can do it Cinthie, I believe in you!" mum encourages me.
I look at her, her warm eyes ignite my courage and with a running leap I sprint into the wall expecting a regretful crash-
I open my eyes and a huge steam engine train is in front of me.
People everywhere; children, young adults, parents. Even pets! Owls seem to be popular.
I look behind me and I see mum and Hermione.
"Well, that was an experience!" Mum laughs before looking around "wow" she says wonder struck.

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