22 - Shattered Sight

Start from the beginning

End of Flashback

Regina was looking for Elaine at the Sheriff Station, but she found David instead, "Well, well, well. Isn't this my lucky day? I had come here to kill Elaine, but now I get to kill one of the two idiots who started it all," Regina said.

"Get in line," Elsie said.

"Hey, I wasn't the one that Cora about your secret boyfriend," David said.

"Your ex-wife is already dead, she has to settle for less," Elsie said.

"Shut up! You both deserve to die. Not just for what you did, but for your whining," Regina said.

"What did I do?!" Elsie asked.

"Tried killing her..." Kerr said.

"Oh, yeah..." Elsie laughed, "That was fun," Elsie said.

Regina looked at David and Elsie, "Your punishments should fit your crimes. Aleena, you denied your loyalty to me," Elsie rolled her eyes, "And so, Aleena, now, I'm going to return the favour by taking your baby brother," Regina said as she walked over to Neal.

"No!" Elsie and Kerr yelled.

"Regina!" David yelled.

Anna stepped in the way of the stroller, "Please, Your Majesty, let's be reasonable. You're under the Snow Queen's spell. You don't actually hate Branston, Aleena and David," Anna said.

"It does sound like she has her reasons," Kristoff said.

"Kristoff!" Anna said.

"I don't know who you are, but why don't you go back to where you came from?" Regina waved her hand and made Anna and Kristoff disappear from the station, "Where was I?" Regina said as she waved her hand and opened Elsie's jail door.

"Gonna use your magic, Regina? You afraid to get your hands dirty?" Elsie asked.

"I don't need magic to kill you," Regina waved her hand giving Elsie a sword and a black sword appeared in her hands, "Magic is too good for you. I want to watch you bleed," Regina said.

"Very well. Let's see if you're assumption good as those Black Knights I killed under your nose, daily," Elsie said.

Flashback: Maine - 2001

Ingrid was in Maine, she was standing in the middle of nowhere, she held up a scroll as she thought about what the Apprentice told her.

"Take this. When the time comes... It will lead to your third, fourth and fifth sister."

She looked up to see her standing in the middle of the road and she looked around briefly, "Hello, Storybrooke," Ingrid said as she smiled.

End of Flashback

In the ice cave, Ingrid came out from where she was hiding, "You four have no idea how long I've waited for this moment," Ingrid said and the four women looked at her as she noticed their ribbons gone, "Your ribbons... What have you done?" Ingrid asked.

"I'm not much for accessories," Emma said.

"Those ribbons joined us together," Ingrid said.

"Get it through your head, lady. We're not your sisters and we're never gonna love you," Elaine said.

"Oh, Elaine, I know that you actually that and," Ingrid sat down on her ice sofa looking at her, "It makes me sad, but I know that sadness won't last because soon, you'll see you're wrong," Ingrid said as she reached for something.

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