🌊before the storm🌊

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"He told me you were tortured, they sure as hell knew what they were doing..." he went around him again, touching his skin without going to unwanted places.

"You are so strange..." that word stung Felix's heart, already knowing what was coming next. His old bullies sure knew how to mess with his mind.

"Strange how...?"

"Well to start we found you floated in the middle of the ocean...nobody survives that, we even thought you were one of those creatures with tails. Second, you have the hair of the clouds and snow...it is white" he touched it, completely fascinated by it.

"I've never seen such hair colour before...and what's that on your face?" He touched his cheeks, getting really close to his face, making Felix blush.

He whipped his hand on them, then looking at his fingers.

"It isn't dirt?" He looked at his freckles in wonder, completely fascinated.

"No, they're called freckles...and they are permanent...unfortunately..." he looked down, Hyunjin continuing to look at him.

"What shall I do with you..." he went around him again.

"Too scarred to sell..." he touched his back, trailing his fingers on the thin lines.

"Too skinny to eat" he lifted his arms.

He then stopped in front of him again, cupping his cheeks.

"Too beautiful to go to waste..." he muttered, making Felix blush completely, he's never been called pretty before. Hyunjin let go of his face and walked to a sort of balcony, leaning on the wooden bars.

"Their are many mysteries in this world...some we may never get the answer to...you are one of them" He spoke as Felix joined him, both looking up at the stars.

"I'm not that important..."

Hyunjin turned his face towards Felix, raising an eyebrow.

"Everyone is important...their would be no boat without trees, no sea without water. Everything has a place, you just need to find yours"

Felix looked down at his arm, bitting the inside of his cheeks.

"Besides I've got a task for you now" Hyunjin continued, making him raise an eyebrow.

"What is it?"


It was now the next morning.

"This is torture" Felix said as he swiped the mop on the main deck under the excruciating heat of the sun. He had his sleeves tucked up and sweat dripping down his platinum blond hair.

"Oh just shut your trap and do it" Minho said, trying to make a knot like he had practiced.

"Easy for you to say, you're not doing shit!" Felix complained, dumping the mop back in the bucket of water.

Minho was about to snap back but his eyes were completely distracted when someone walked on the main deck, heading towards him.

"Hey Min!" A younger looking one about the same height as Felix walked towards Minho.

"Hey jisung...could you help me with this knot please, I forgot how to do it again" Minho was actually...blushing?

"Sure" Jisung smiled widely, sitting down next to him, showing him how to tie it. Felix continued to do his assigned task, hating it so much. All he wanted to do was be gone, and he had to do this under the heat of the sun and the two of next to him flirting.

"Jisung!" Hyunjin called from far away, making him look up.

"I've got to go, sorry" he got up, brushing all of the dust off his pants.

"S-sure" he scratched the back of his head as Jisung went away, leaving the two of them alone again.

"Well you sure have a crush..." Felix mumbled.

"I didn't crush anything"

Right...2022's expression aren't the same here.

"You want to do the nasty with him" Felix tried again.

"I don't want to do anything nasty to him, he's nice"

"I swear to god...YOU WANT TO PUT YOUR DICK IN HIM!" he yelled making Minho get up, chasing him.

"Shut it!" They ran around the deck, Minho trying to show he didn't like this and Felix trying not to giggle.

"You want to bang him~ you want to kiss him~" he sang as he ran for his life.

He stopped when he bumped into someone's chest, sending him to the floor. He looked up to meet Hyunjin's eyes, glaring down at him.

"Explain...?" He looked up at Minho who just sighed, disappointed in himself for letting this happen.

"We were just-"

"It was my fault, I'm sorry" Felix gave him best smile hoping he could keep Minho out of trouble. Hyunjin sighed and tossed him something, the youngest one catching it, looking down at it.

"You must be starving...eat up" he was about to turn around but Felix was too confused.

"Aren't you going to cook it?" He looked down at the potatoe he was holding.

"Why should we...?" They looked at the strange boy, who headed somewhere on the boat, wondering around.

"I never said you could leave your post!" The captain yelled, but Felix ignored him and made his way to what looked like a kitchen where everything food related was put.

"What are you-"

"Could you pass me that please?" He pointed to a huge pot, as he searched for different vegetables and spices.

Hyunjin looked at Minho and signaled him to help him, to which he groaned, doing so anyway. He took the bit pot and placed it on a fire system they usually use to filter the salt water. Felix then filled the pot with water, celery, carrot, potatoes and some chicken he found. He cut all of that up into smaller size with the help of Minho. They out everything in and Felix started the fire, adding a few spices and some salt, all while being observed sharply by Hyunjin.

"Now we wait" he looked around him and a knife caught his eye, all he wanted to do was-

"It smells amazing" Minho popped up next to him, taking a good breath of it. Hyunjin did the same, but he wasn't saying a word, like if he was observing everything.

"Back to work for now...we'll see if this was worth it..." he mumbled the last part, almost sounding annoyed.

He left them to go help the rest of his crew, making Minho finally breath normally.

"You've got a lot of guts to do that...he would of chopped my head off if I even tried to talk back..." they walked back together to his beloved mop, taking in his hands again under the blasting heat.

He got to it, making sure it was clean from all the alcohol they had spilled the night before. He brushed his sweaty forehead and looked at the beautiful sea in front of him.

He still didn't understand what he was doing here. Was this hell? Heaven? A sort of punishment? He didn't know, but he sure as hell wouldn't ask.

He could feel a pair of eyes on him, knowing exactly who it came from. There, from high up he could tell Hyunjin was looking, staring even.

"I need to get off this boat..."

In outer sea | hyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now