Leave me alone

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Heya! Another one of my drawings! I won't keep you too long! I just want you guys to know that I update twice daily if not more so the artist is still drawing! Thank you and enjoy the story!

I open the door and step inside. I'm still very shaken up by the experience and I think I visibly showed it because Sunny came up to me immediately. "Starlight? Whats wrong?" I sniffle back tears. "STARLIGHT ARE YOU OKAY!? YOU'RE CRYING!!! WEEWOOWEEWOO COME WITH ME!" He picks me up and he takes me to his tower. He sets me down and looks me in my eyes.

"Whats going on? You said you were going back to your apartment, then you started crying!" I sniffle back some more tears, but the second I try to say something I completely break down. Sunny backs up for a second with a shocked face but then quickly hugs me. "Shhhh shhh I'm here, take your time." I feel so comforted in his arms and I calm down more. 

"Mason..." I manage to muster. Suddenly I see sun get angry, really angry. "Mason... What. Did. He. Do." Sunny is very upset, I can even hear it in his tone. "He left a note at my mailbox, he says that he was inside and that he has the keys to my apartment." Sunny then lets go of me. "I'm gonna teach him a lesson. I said I would never let you get hurt again and I meant it." 

"No no Sunny! It's okay, I got the police they said-" then my phone started to ring. I picked it up,

"hey its officer Ryan, the one you spoke to earlier. We went to your apartment to find Mason but he was not there. We went to his house and his friends house and he was no where to be found. We are currently on the search for him and you should stay put where you are staying, until further notice. Keep the doors and windows locked."

"thank you, officer. Goodbye." I hung up the phone and looked at Sunny. He looked angry and disgusted all at once. I'm guessing he heard the call. "You still wanna leave this to the police?" I nod my head. "Okay... I'm going to protect you though. At any means necessary. Let's get these doors locked." I smile and nod. We go around locking each door and window. When we were done Sunny gave me a big hug. "I will protect you with all of me, y/n."

"You don't have to do all this, Sunny. It's okay." He looked at me shocked, "Starlight, I am doing this to keep you safe. Remember? I can't lose you." I started to blush and I hugged him. He hugged me back and I nuzzled my face into his chest. "Can I get in on this? Whats going on?" Monty had come in, I guess for a break. Sunny slightly glares at him, "I'm protecting y/n. She's in danger." Monty looks worried, "danger? What kind of danger? Y/n, what's going on?"

I tell him what happened and he looks concerned. "I'll be here too, I'll tell the others so they can keep an eye out for anybody suspicious."

"Thank you, Monty, Sunny, you guys are my heros." They both blushed, "how about you come with me to the adult room, you can watch us perform. It's better if we stay in a group setting." I nodded my head and looked at Sunny. "Can you come too Sunny?" He blushed and nodded. It is still pretty early on in the night I might as well. We walked into the adult room and there was still music going on. There were a bunch of people laughing and drinking, it looked fun. Monty sat down at the bar and motioned me to sit next to him. I went over to sit down and brought Sunny with me.

I had Sunny sit down next to me, "it's so wild in here, are they all following the rules?" Sunny asked. Monty just laughed and said, "for sure dude. This is where the adults hang out, they're all doing just fine." Sunny gave a nervous nod and kept looking at the ground. "Hey, y/n, want a drink?" With the way tonight has gone, I could sure use one. "Yeah I'd love one, sex on the beach please." Sunny looked at me quickly and he was blushing really hard. "A-a wha-what???" I couldn't help but giggle, "it's an alcoholic drink Sunny, don't worry haha."

"O-Oh okay." He was too cute. The bartender slid me the drink and I drank it so quickly. "Another one please."

"You got it, miss!" The bartender replied. "Damn girl, you drink often?" 

"Only on off days, it just feels better." The bartender slid me the drink again and I gulped it down. Monty looked impressed while Sunny looked concerned. "Monty we'll need you back on stage!"

"I'll be right there! I'll be back guys, don't drink too much without me!" Monty ran to the stage. "Four shots please!" The bartender smiles at me, I can tell he likes when I order. "I'm just getting us started!" I say to Sunny and he looks at me shocked. "Us? What do you mean?"

"Four shots, two for me two for you!" I give him a big smile and he smiles back. "Okay fine, only if I'm doing it with you." I blush. The bartender slides us our shots and I cheer with Sunny. "Okay one... two... three!" We both tip our heads back and drink our shots. Sunny shivers and coughs. "That was foul." I laugh, I can tell Sunny doesn't drink much. 

Some time passes by and I've gone through five shots while Sunny has done three. "HAha Sunnyyyy noooo." I can't even remember what he said but it was funny. I see Monty come back, "oh come on you definitely drank more while I was gone, no fair. six shots please! I need to catch up." Wow six shots, all for him!? He's definitely gonna surpass me. But I won't let that happen. "Three more shots please~!" The bartender just laughs under his breath and Sunny looks at me shocked. "Three!? Will you be okay?"

"Yeah yeah I'll be fine!~ I can handle my liquor juuuust fine~." Monty looks at me as if I'm his midnight snack. "Now that's hot." Monty twirls my hair around his finger then downs all six shots. "Wooo! Now THAtS how you get a party started!" Monty laughs and puts his arm around me and I just laugh. "U-um 6 shots p-please!" Sunny says. Woah was he gonna do six shots? "Sunny what are you doing? you don't have to do six."

"No, I wanna do six... I-I'll be fine." He seems reassuring and mine and his shots come in. I down mine quick and Sunny is slow at first but then downs the rest easily. "Three more!" I shout, the bartender is definitely enjoying this because every time I order he laughs. "You really know how to handle your liquor don't you?~" Monty gets close to me, our faces basically touching. I giggle, I can't help myself. Then Sunny puts his arm around me quickly, spinning me towards him. "I'll get five more." Sunny says, the bartender looks shocked and so does Monty. Honestly I'm a little shocked myself. "Sunny are you sure?" He looks me in the eyes.

"I guess we'll have to see." He smiles at me. When did he get so smooth? Was I enjoying this?


When all else fails (sundrop x y/n)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt