Moving On

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Heya! This time the credit for the art actually goes to me! I usually don't draw in this art style but I wanted to try and draw sundry so it may not be the best but I wanted to use my own art for once. Enjoy the story!

TW: Abuse, Swearing

"I don't wanna lose you, starlight..."

I looked up at him, "I don't wanna lose you either, Sunny." He blushed and started to play with my hair. "I don't understand..." Sunny whispered. "Understand what?" I asked. "Nevermind..." Sunny smiled at me and continued to play with my hair.

I just enjoyed his touch, it was so comforting. I started to get sleepy again and I yawned. "Sleepy?" Sunny asked. "Yeah, can I sleep here?" 

"Of course Starlight, do you want the lights on or off?" What? why would he ask if I wanted them on or off, wouldn't he be nervous with Moon? I guess he did want Moon to talk to me to apologize earlier... I do need the sleep and I prefer the lights being off when I sleep. "Could we turn them off? I sleep better that way."

"Alright, y/n. He'll be good, I promise. He missed you." I blushed a bit then Sunny reached over to turn off the lights. In the blink of an eye Sunny was now Moon. "Shooting star, are you tired?"

"Yeah, a bit. I'm happy to see you again."

"As am I, Shooting star. You sleep now." I nodded and closed my eyes. I was drifting off to sleep when I heard Moon talking to somebody but I couldn't hear their replies. "Yeah, you're right." no reply. "I'm glad she's here too." Was he talking to Sunny? Is he talking about me? I'm too tired to piece it all together. Then I felt myself drift off to sleep.

-Y/N's dream:

-crashing noises- "I told you! You won't make it without me!" Mason was screaming again. "I'm doing perfectly fine! Leave me alone." 

"fuck you, whore!" He slapped me across the face. I grab my burning cheek. It stung. "I hope you know all of my friends think you're just a whore. Nobody is ever gonna love you. Everybody will always use you, you have no good qualities at all." I started to cry. Why? Why does he do this to me? I have only treated him with respect. I loved him. Suddenly I was in our old house, with Mason. "Bitch, you didn't work for any of this." Then he lit a match burning everything to the ground. No... Everything was ruined... I lost everything... no... NO!

-Dream ends-

"NO!" I scream, sitting up quickly. What? I was laying in my dorm room, somebody had tucked me in. -knock knock- "Come in!" The door opened and Monty walked in looking concerned. "Are you okay? I heard you scream, what happened?"

"Oh... nothing... I had a bad dream."

"Do you wanna talk about it?" It took me a bit to consider whether or not I wanted to tell him. I don't wanna put any pressure on him. "I don't wanna bother you or anything..." I said. "It won't bother me, promise. It's best if you get it off your chest, right?" He was right, I was having these nightmares every night. "Okay... so it started off with me at my apartment-" I told him my whole dream and he looked sad. "Did he really do those things to you?" I nodded my head. "He even set your old house on fire?"

"Yeah, that's why I had to move into an apartment. We lost a lot of money that day but he didn't care."

"Thats awful... I'm so sorry... Maybe I do need to teach him a lesson." He curled his hands into a fist and wrinkled his nose. "No, Monty, it's okay. He's gone and I doubt he's coming back. He expects me to do that." Monty nods his head. "Okay, I hope he never comes back." I nod my head and smile. "I have to get ready now." 

"For what?"


"You didn't hear?" hear about what? "What?"

"Daycare is closed today. I guess it's an adults only day. You don't have to work, you're welcome to go home if you'd like." I nod, "thank you, Monty." He nods and walks out the door. If it's an adults only day I guess that means he has work. I grab my bag but leave my dorm stuff here. My bag carries my personal stuff that I take with me everywhere. I start to walk for the door but I forgot to say goodbye to Sunny so I turn around.


"You called?" Suddenly Sunny turns me around and gives me a big hug. "We decided to tuck you in last night so you could be more comfortable." He smiles and continues to hold the hug but softly. "Thank you, Sunny. I appreciate it. I was just coming to say goodbye, I'm going to my apartment for the night. I'll be back tomorrow." 

"Awww I don't wanna wait that long."

"It'll be okay, Sunny! I'll be back." He hugs me tighter once more then lets go. We wave goodbye to each other. I go to my car and drive back. I decide to check my mail before going inside, there was a note with no address return. Somebody had placed this in my mailbox... I decide to open it in my car. "You should have changed your locks darling. I'll be here. Have fun at PizzaPlex. I'll see you soon

love, M" Oh... my... god... Mason has gone insane. Theres no way I could go inside. I start my car and turn to go to the police. When I arrive at the police station I show them the note and tell them what happened. "Okay... Well we will find him and put him under arrest for stalking. We will get somebody to change your locks. This should take at least a day, do you have anywhere you can stay in the meantime? Parents house, friends house?" I think about it and remember my parents are out of the state and my friends were Masons friends. I could probably stay at PizzaPlex. "Yes I have somewhere."

"that's wonderful. Call this number if anything happens. We will be sure to keep in touch, okay?" He handed me a card with a number on it. I nod my head and walk out. I start my car and drive over to PizzaPlex. 

I take out my keys and go inside.


When all else fails (sundrop x y/n)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum