New beginnings <art still not mine>

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(I have given facial features, piercings, tattoos etc already so you can change them as you see fit to you!)

TW: Abuse, blood, slight gore?

Y/N's dream

"stop yelling at me!" I begged, and begged, but nothing worked. "Nobody is ever going to love you and treat you with the same respect I gave you! Who's gonna pay rent for you now, huh? You're nothing without me!" He screamed at me harsher and harsher each time. I fell to my knees. "stop... stop please..." The yelling stopped. I looked up and I was alone. How am I gonna survive. those words still in the back of my head 'you're nothing without me' I screamed, as arms reached out grabbing me.

-Dream Ends- 

"Gah!" I scream, waking up in my bed. It was only a dream. I rub my eyes and get out of bed. Today is the big interview so I should look nicer than how I do right now. I head over to the bathroom and look in the mirror. My eyes are puffy and my hair is a mess. "Ugh..." I scoff. Nobody will wanna hire me if I look like this. I walk back to my room and grab some clothes from my dresser. I throw them on to the bathroom counter as I strip off my clothes. I peak into the mirror once more and notice all the bruises and scars Mason left behind. "How will anybody love me... You RUINED ME!" I lash out swiping stuff off the counter including a picture frame that shatters as it hits the floor. I take a few breaths to calm myself down. I reach down picking up the photo, it was Mason.

 I didn't realize I had left this behind when I was cleaning out all of his stuff. I feel my tears fall down my cheeks and on to my chest. No, I didn't have time to reminisce, I have to get ready. I throw away the glass and photo, I feel a lump in my throat. All these years of torture were over.

I walk back into the bathroom and remove my towel. I turn on the water, hot, that's how I like it. I begin to wash my hair, letting the water fall on my face and slowly dribble down. I grab my loofah (body washing brush) and start to wash my body, going over each bruise and cut was excruciating. "mm!" I opened a large cut that was on my side. blood trickled down. "Dammit-" I said under my breath. I turned off the shower, I was done anyway. I cover myself in a towel and my cut in a separate towel while I get some gauze. I run to the kitchen and open the drawer with all my medical stuff. I grab some gauze and medical tape. I apply pressure to the area and tape it down. "much better..." I whisper. 

I head back to the bathroom to dry off. I get dressed and start to do my hair. "hmm.." I whisper, should I go with a ponytail or just wear it down... I decide to wear it down, I don't wanna startle my employer with the sides of my head shaved. Already I wonder how she will think of my piercings. I try not to think about it too much as I do my makeup. I go with a natural look, its just an interview it doesn't need to be that special. I look at my watch, "SHIT!" The watch shows 11:57, my interview is at 12! I rush to throw on my shoes, I grab my bag and head out the door. My car stalls a bit, "come on!!" I pound on the wheel and it starts. Now, obviously I know it didn't start because I hit it but at least it started. I drive a little over the speed limit hoping I don't get caught. (Don't speed guys, its bad)

 I reach the PizzaPlex, and park. I speed-walk inside, nearly dropping my bag. I meet a blonde woman inside, she definitely works here. "Hey! Are you Vanessa?" I ask with a smile, still quite out of breath. "Yes, and you must be y/n, right?" She replies, something seeming just a bit off about her. "Thats me!" 

We walk inside to her office, it seems more like a dorm. She has a bed and everything. The interview comes to end and she asks the question that makes my heart do a flip. "You meet our expectations perfectly! Could you start tonight?" I got so excited "Yes! I would love to!" I was so happy, "perfect! I'll give you an hour and a half to get ready and see the tour." I nodded, I can't believe I got the job on the spot! This was perfect! Vanessa starts to show me around, "this is the daycare, where you'll be working. Don't worry, you won't be working alone." She motions over to this guy who was drawing with the children, he looked kind of like the sun? He was smiling, it warmed my heart. "This will be your office, also it's a dorm. while you're working here you will be able to stay as you need to and while nap time is going on you may come up here as you please." I nod and thank her. It makes sense as to why her office looked like that I guess. "This is the adult area, when you want to you can go meet our superstars over there." She points to the robots that are singing and playing music for the adults.

 "While you are working here, you can have free bar drinks as you please. Just don't drink too much when you are with the children." She says while twirling her keys. "Of course! I'll do my best." She smiles and says, "alright, if you wanna go home and grab anything you'll want for your dorm go right ahead. I will be having you stay your first night so you can get used to everything."

 I nod and walk to the door, I take a quick look back to see the sun guy. I see him playing tag with the kids. It's so sweet to see how good he is with kids. I walk over to my car and head back to my apartment. I started packing up when a note fell from my  underwear drawer. "I have made sure you won't be employed anywhere in this town or the next. you'll be crawling back to me soon you scum."  What? How did I get employed then? I'll ask her when I get back. I finish packing and go back

While driving, I start to wonder what happened to the last employee. I park and walk inside with my now packed bag. I walk up to my dorm and start setting up my stuff. *Knock Knock* "Come in!" I turn around expecting to see Vanessa so I grab the note, ready to ask about why I was hired. "So, Vanessa. I was wondering why I was-" I looked up and instead of seeing Vanessa I saw that sun guy. "HEY! its nice to meet you! You're y/n right?" I nod and hide the note behind my back. "Whatcha got there, friend?" He twirls around behind me and grabs the note, "are we drawing!?" He asks before reading the note. He goes silent for a second, "Oh... this guy." He looks back at me and I ask, "yeah I was going to ask Vanessa why I got hi-" he cuts me off, "no no no don't worry friend!"

"I took care of him."   


When all else fails (sundrop x y/n)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant