Atsumu: "Omi!" I slapped both his cheeks not too hard and let him focus on me. "Ya dummy!" He looked at me confused. "Dummy Omi! Ya were so sweet and perfect but ya just hafta ruin it in the end! What is wrong with ya?" He was still processing what was happening and I giggled. I started giving him quick pecks on the lips. "Omi... I love ya so much... thank you fer waitin' fer me..."

Kiyoomi: "I love you too, my beautiful Omega."

He gently placed his lips on top of mine. Letting ourselves drown in pure love and adoration for each other. Letting our lips move to the rhythm of our hearts that beat for each other. He snaked his arms around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck, deepening our kiss, letting go of our worries and fears.

It has been a week now since Omi kinda proposed to me and I can't stop admiring the beautiful ring on my finger. D*mn it, I can't stop smiling! And I'm at work right now. Good thing Omi's in a meeting right now.

Ever since the DNA test incident, Omi has become more clingy and protective with me and the kids. He even tried to convince me to let him hire some bodyguards for me and the kids, he didn't want them to get kidnapped again, but I said no. Then he talked to Osamu about the incident and I got a good scolding and he agreed to let him hire two bodyguards, at least for the twins when they're at school.

Akio: "Mama, who are the two men who's always watchin' us at school?" He asked as he ate his breakfast.

Atsumu: "Those are Papa's friends, he asked them ta look after ya guys so ya wouldn't be picked up by someone else..." I took a bite on my toast. "Why? Did they do somethin'?"

Aito: "No... Auntie Suga is really nice... and pretty..." He said that last part a little quieter as his small cute face turns a shade of red. I giggled.

Akio: "Yeah! And Auntie Ten-Ten is really fun!!!" He beamed. Looks like they're having fun with their new friends as they kept telling stories of how the two play with them sometimes.

Kiyoomi: "Good morning."He walked in and kissed the twins on the top of their heads and went to kiss me on my cheek then took a seat. "Are you guys ready for school?"

We ate breakfast in peace and I told Omi about our little Dumplin's little crush on their bodyguard and he just chuckled. When it was time for them to leave, we heard the doorbell and saw that Sugarawa-san and Tendou were already here to pick up the kids and take them to school. We said our goodbyes as me and Omi went to work.

And that's where we encountered our next problem. She stood by the company's entrance. She looks like a human doll with her beautiful, silky, black hair. Beautiful black dough eyes, red plump lips. She looks like a model in her dress as she keeps her hands in her coat's pocket. Then she noticed us, she straightened her back.

"Sakusa Kiyoomi, I would like to have a word with you." Omi stepped in front of me, even I could feel her hostility. She's an alpha and she does not look too happy to see us.

Kiyoomi: "Sorry but I'm not going to follow a total stranger to somewhere I don't know." He put a hand on my back and started to lightly push me into the building. He looked back at her. "And unlike you, we are busy with work... so please never show yourself again."

Atsumu: "Omi!" I scolded him and was about to apologize.

"I knew you were heartless the first time I heard of you." He glared at Omi who didn't back down. "But seeing that YOU are actually with someone..." She turned to me. "Then it means you aren't a monster after all." She held out a piece of paper and I was about to take it but Omi beat me to it. "See you at that place..." She turned her back and started to walk to a car but before she could go in. "And I advise you to not bring your precious WIFE..." I felt chills but Omi wrapped his arm around me but he was glaring at the woman and I felt scared.

With that, the woman finally left and for the whole time of work, I couldn't stop thinking about the woman. Just who was she? What does she want with Omi? She clearly hates him but why? What did Omi do to her? Is he hiding something from me? No, he wouldn't do that, especially now that we're building our future together. He wouldn't do something that would or could hurt me. I trust Omi. And he really does look like he genuinely doesn't know her.

Kiyoomi: "Atsu... Love..." He put a hand on my shoulder and I looked up at him. Looking at him right now, I just couldn't think of anything to say. "I can clearly see that you're bothered about something..." He put a hand on my cheek. "If it will make you feel any better, we can head out to meet with the woman... ask her anything you want to know..."

Atsumu: "A- -are you sure Omi?" He kissed my forehead.

Kiyoomi: "I told you, I would do anything and everything for you... and if this eases you, then I'm sure." He smiled and I kissed him.

After work, Omi was driving us to the address the lady gave us and it took us about an hour and a half to get there. Now, here we are, standing in front of a hospital that seems to be specialising in... mental health. My breath hitched as I felt a little scared, my guts were screaming at me to turn away and take Omi. I gulped.

Kiyoomi: "We don't have to go..." He held my hand. "If you don't want to." It was like he knew what I was feeling, what I was thinking. Now that we were actually here, I felt nervous. Something was churning in the pit of my stomach and I wanted to throw up.

Atsumu: "I- -I want to go ho- -"

"Glad you could make it." By the entrance we saw the lady waiting for us with her arms crossed. "Looks like you didn't take my advice." She looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "Follow me so we can get this over with." She turned but stopped for a second. "For the record, this wasn't my idea... I never wanted him to meet you... again." She started walking.

We followed her quietly through the halls of the hospital, seeing a lot of patients that were a little 'unstable', people that were having a little trouble thinking... but Omi made me feel a little at ease with a simple hand holding and squeezing from time to time.

"We're here." We stopped by a door. She opened it and let us in first.

There, on the bed sat a beautiful, doll looking man that looked like the lady but unlike her, he had curly, fluffy blonde locks. But despite looking like an Angel sent by heaven, his eyes were lifeless...

Until he turned and saw Omi.

I saw how his eyes shone. His pale face beamed into something so beautiful. His frown turned upside down and I saw such a perfect smile.

"My Alpha!" He beamed. His voice was so gentle. My eyes widened as it was getting hard to breathe for some reason. There was ringing in my ears.

Did he call Omi, 'My Alpha'? 






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