chapter 1 - the orphanage

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TWs!!! : self-h@rm, slight bullying, Ea@ting disorder, insomnia, anxiety, depression, trauma, hinting at abuse, trust issues
Hi guys a/n here! :)

First chapter (yay!)
I am very excited about this:)

Also I'm gonna try to put out a new chapter every 1/2/3 days :>

Btw feel free to correct me on any spelling mistakes/tws if you notice anything wrong, it whold be very much appreciated.

That's about it i think! Enjoy!


His ears were ringing. His head hurt, so mutch

He felt himself slowly waking up.
He opened his eyes and saw the extremely familiar off-white ceiling He had woken up to for so many years.

He groned and looked over at the alarm clock


He groned again. He didn't need to be awake for another hour and 40 minutes.

He tried to fall back asleep, but that was proven unneffective. So he just layed there. Thinking about nothing and everything at the same time . About his life in the orphanage, About his past family, About all of the rude ass kids in the orphanage.

He started crying
For some reason...

He wiped his tears and looked over.


He had been laying there for nearly an hour.

"Fuck this shit" He mumbled to himself.

He got up, put on his socks (cus who tf sleeps with socks on??) And went into the bathroom that was attached to his room. If you could even call it a bathroom.

It was small like really small. There was a tiny shower, a toilet, a sink and a little mirror.

He walked over to the mirror and started brushing his teeth. He didn't have the energy to take a shower. So he just kinda combed out his hair whith his fingers.

When he was finished he walked out of the bathroom and opened his closet. He quickly picked out a black hoodie, some baggy blue jeans and a belt. He started changing.

While changing he looked down at his arms. He sighed. At least his cuts were healing. He quickly finished changing and sat down on his bed. He was really tired. He hadn't fallen asleep until about 1 last night.

He looked at the clock again


He sighed and decided just to wait 15 min until he had to leave his room.

~~~~small time skip~~~~

He heard knocking at the door. "TOMHAS ITS TIME TO WAKE UP!" it was Janice. The rudest staff member. It was honestly a crime that she was working at the orphanage cuz she was an absolute asshole.

For example: Tommy had told her 1 million times to call him tommy, but even with all his insisting she still called him Thomas!!?

Anyways. He got up and opened the door peeking outside before walking out, he didn't want to run into Mike and his stupid gang again.

Long story short Mike was a bully.
Him and his stupid friends would torment anyone who wouldn't stand up for themselves. And as you can imagine tommy wasn't too good at that.

Tommy was walking to the shared dining hall. It was basically just a couple long tables in a room and different sections of bread and cereal on a different table.

Tommy walked up to the table with the food and grabbed a paper plate and a peice of bread and quickly put some cheese on it and sat down at the nearest table.

His head was still hurting unsurprisingly and the yells of the kids just made it worse.

He looked at the bread and took a small bite. Then he felt a light tapping on his shoulder. He looked up and saw mia the nicest worker. "hey tommy, there is a family coming today to see if they want to Foster you, they looked at your file and thought you might be a good candidate" Mia said with a smile "ok " tommy replied lazily, he was too tired to care. Then Mia walked away.

Tommy wondered what the family liked on the file, I mean I didn't really say anything good on it. Just the list of his disorders : anxiety, depression, trauma, anorexia, insomnia, trust issues . Blah blah blah all the boring stuff.

Not that it mattered what they thought. Most, no all of the family's only wanted one pf the following: a paycheck, a punching bag or someone to do all their chores for them. Some wanted multiple at the same time.
So it was safe to say, Tommy wasn't looking forward to this.

He quickly snapped out of his thoughts and realised he hadn't eaten much of his food. He quickly took a few more bites and washed them down whith water.

Then he left the dining hall and went to his room. He immediately heard a knock on the door "come in" tommy mumbled . Then the door opened

"Hey tommy" it was Mia. " just wanted to let you know that the family is coming in 30 minutes, so you might want to be down in the waiting room in 20" Mia explained. "ok" tommy replied. Them Mia quickly gave tommy a double thumbs up before leaving.

Tommy sighed. He looked over at his bag that the orphanage gave him to keep his stuff in. He walked over to it pulling out a small sketchbook and a pencil before sitting back down on the bed. He opened the book and started drawing

~~~~time skip~~~~

He looked over at the clock


He put the sketchbook back in the bag and started waking to the waiting room. Where you sit and wait to basically just be interviewed by a family that "might adopt you"

He opened the door and sat down in one of the chairs. His head started hurting more and he started feeling tired then he slowly but surely feel asleep.

Hi guys! Hoped you liked the first chapter!! Cus I enjoyed writing it :)

Sorry it cut off a bit abruptly but It's getting really late irl rn so yeah.

I'm gonna try to update as soon as I can :)

Anyway have a good rest if your day/night and remember you are loved <3

1033 words

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