Ch.6 The Kiss

17 3 0

At the premier

As the premiere was at 8 and in hk there are lots of idol fans so we left the karaoke early at about 5 and reach at the premiere at about 6 and got the front stand. (hi-five to myself in my head)

While we were waiting, i had my ears burn! Did i tell you that my friend Miti was a fan of sehun (a member of an idol group called exo) for the two hour constant she have been bugging me why sehun is the best and how handsome he is or what will she do if he saw her and so on. I understand that she is a huge fan but i think she should control her obsessive self. I mean i am also a huge fan but i know not to bother others. I was trying to again reply her for i don't know how many times that she is looking nice.

Then the bunch of fans behind me started to scream as i was enjoying my view of the dashing idol with his charming smile which can melt any girl's heart. Suddenly Miti remind me about the kiss dare, i was like oh okay but i don't think he will come near here.

However like a miracle he started to come to our side to give signatures and Miti being to pinch me (indirectly asking me to do it.)

Since i am a great person who doesn't break her promises when the idol was going to sign my paper i peck his lips and he pretended nothing happened since there were cameras focusing on him i move towards him and told him i'm sorry and i enjoyed and i won't regret it but please don't complain about it and everything will be alright. Please just forget about it! Plus the camera didn't caught since i make sure it's not on you when i was doing my kiss. He was just shocked and left. Haha poor him!

The journey (on hold)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon