Ch.5 The dare

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I am not sure if you guys guess it or not but i'm talking about karaoke.

If you guys guess correct then bingo that's the place Ismme is with her friends.

At karaoke

We were totally crazy there we were singing very loudly, if any other people beside us nine friends were there, then the person may think we have gone crazy.

Since we were singing way too loud, it was impossible for us to talk there. So me again being me, take the remote and pause the song they were singing which was oppa gamnan style at that moment. It was hilarious cause I stopped it, when they were singing the word heeeeey sexxy lady only there sound were heard without the music even though i'm their friend i can assure you it was terrible since they were not in harmony.

Yes back to the topic, I told them the reason for today's gathering and they were really supportive and wish me luck in my this new journey. Then suddenly my friend-Miti says that she got two tickets for today's kpop performance and asked if I want to come. Of course I said yes since I'm a huge fan of one of the hallyu star (a member of an idol group from korea but i am not going to say the name for privacy ) and all of them knows that then when I was going to take the ticket my another friend-Bisu snatched it and told me that I have to do a dare.  Without thinking,  I said okay (since I  really really wanted to go and see their live performance, did I  told you that we could also go to the premier at 8pm together with the concert at 9pm. I don't understand how Miti even got this ticket (as it got sold out within 3 seconds). Then she told me that the dare was to kiss my favourite idol. I was like what the, how can I. Then she said if only I promise that she will give me so yah being the cool and the daring me I accept it.

Then we again continue to sing the song from various singers/group such as one direction, taylor swift, justin bieber, lessang, exo, 2pm, SNSD, Miss A and others.

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