At some point, in the midst of his little speech, I stopped shaking. "Y-you're my brother? You're Azazel's son!"

He smiled at me. "Your witch magic is your own. I have no intention of taking it from you nor could I if I wanted to. I only want what is mine, the power of the demon."

"Why would I have it? If you're his firstborn son, or whatever, why would I have his powers and not you?"

"Because of that witch." He snarled and an animalistic sound rumbled from his chest like a great beast. "She had a remarkable power and he was convinced that he could combine his magic with hers." His eyes scanned my body. "I guess he was right about that. Everything he removed from me he gave to you. He poured all of his being into the womb that housed you saving only enough magic to protect you and maybe perform a few parlor tricks. That magic is mine, little sister, and I aim to get it back one way or another." He raised his hand ready to attack.

I closed my eyes and waited. When the pain didn't come, I opened them again to look around. He was still in front of me, only frozen. He couldn't get to me. There was a bubble of energy surrounding my body emanating from my own hands that protected me.

"Almost forgot I could even use magic," I said it mostly to myself. "All that time I spent running was just a waste of energy. I'm more than a match for you. I may not be able to use all my powers, but I got enough to hold you at bay."

He let out a huff. "If you had all your witch powers, I would be no match for you. But as the older sibling, you should always listen to me."

"Just because you're my older brother doesn't mean I should automatically obey you."

I swung my arms in front of me sending the bubble out and crashing into James. He flew back into a wall. I used that opportunity to run, calling Azazel's name. I rounded a corner and came face to face with James again.

"You really should learn how to teleport. It would make escaping me so much easier." 

"Guess that's something I'll have to learn."

He reached out grabbing my shoulders and I screamed, desperately trying to wiggle free. "Will you calm down? You'll get hurt if you keep struggling."

"What?" I opened my eyes and looked at him wide-eyed. "But...but I thought you wanted to kill me."

He scoffed. "If it came to that, but it can be avoided if you cooperate. I told you, I only want what's mine."

"And what guarantee do I have that you won't kill me after you have it?"

"I don't hurt family." He released my shoulders. "Not on purpose."

"But you're all for hurting Azazel."

"Yeah, well he deserves it. It's not like he'd die. He's immortal, as am I."

"You're a demon."

"And you're a witch. What of it?"

"I don't get it. They all told me you were evil and that you wanted to take over the world and that you wanted to kill me."

"The world domination part is true. I can bring so much order to the chaos that is life, the ruler of all dominions. That whole kill you part, not so much. Not if you...."

"Not if I what?"

"You have a great power brewing inside of you, little sister. The mixture of magic our father had was a very good idea, but it drained him so much there's no way he can even hope to participate in his ultimate plan."

I looked at him with wide eyes and licked my lips. "What's the ultimate plan?"

He lowered his head looking at me through narrowed eyes.

"The same as yours?" I asked, though I already knew the answer.

He raised an eyebrow. "I thought for sure he would destroy you to regain his powers when you were born, that's why I let him pull power away from me. I was convinced that he would use that witch to create his own mega supply of power and return what was mine, but he never did. I think he fell in love with you when he saw you." He chuckled. "Maybe that's part of your gift. In truth, I'm finding it very hard not to love you myself."

"So that's the real reason you won't kill me? You can't, can you? Your heart won't let you. I didn't think demons had hearts."

"Oh, little sister, it's more than just some weak idea of a heart that keeps me from killing you. I want you to help me."


"I understand Father now. I can feel your magic and it is glorious. I want you to help me. I'll give you whatever dominion you wish. Name it and it's yours. All worlds will belong to us to do with as we please."

"And Rick?"

"I won't hurt your little friend. If you want him to rule at your side or if you want to torture him for all eternity, whatever you wish shall be yours. Everything, anything, it can all be yours. I'll give you your little magic book. It doesn't matter if you're on my side. Only say that you're with me. Be my ally."

I thought about it for all of two seconds before saying yes.

Morgan reached into his back pocket and gave me the book. With the book in hand and desire in my heart, I felt a new power enter my body. I thought there had to be a ritual or something in order for it to happen, but all it needed was my touch and the knowledge of what was inside. The demon power did all the work.

The magic grew within me and turned dark like the demonic power I chose to follow. It amazed me at how strong it was. It just felt right. Morgan noticed too. He smiled at my joy.

"Somehow, I did not think you would give in so easily."

"You thought I would fight?"

"Well, I had hoped you could be persuaded but part of me wanted to torture you first." The corner of his lips turned upward in what should've been a smirk but looked more like a sneer. "You surprise me."

"Surprised me too." Azazel emerged from the shadows. "Her power is more than I ever could've imagined... or hoped."

It shouldn't have shocked me. I knew Azazel shouldn't be trusted. Yet somehow I thought... well, I'm not sure exactly what I thought. I loved the family I had but part of me knew that there was something missing and that things weren't exactly how they were supposed to be. I grew up loving Leah as my mother and still felt a strong connection to her, guess that's because we really did have familial ties. Learning about Bill's death didn't hit me exactly as hard as it probably should have. None of my behavior was as it should've been. I had slowly been morphing into something else over the last few years and I guess that thing was going to be a demon.

Maybe it was the demon magic talking. I felt stronger when I was near him and the emotions of greed and desire only intensified the feeling. I wanted things. I wanted power. I wanted control over the uncontrollable. These feelings have never been new to me, but it was strange how quickly and easily I gave in to my brother's request. Maybe it was because he still had the face of the man I had a serious crush on. I would do anything for him, anything he asked for, anything at all. Stranger still was that I had no feelings whatsoever of regret. This world needed to be destroyed.

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