Teaming Up

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I got a distinct feeling that Azazel was only helping us to defeat Morgan just because he wanted him dead and not for any family love he claimed to have. Squeak didn't trust him either but she obeyed me and took us where we needed to go. Azazel didn't care that Morgan wanted to be the sole ruler of everything. It seemed to me Azazel was angrier at some sort of betrayal, but I dared not mention any of it out loud. Rick would no doubt make some attempt to kill Azazel and have us take on Morgan by ourselves even though we don't stand a chance against either of them. I needed Azazel to help take Morgan out. I'd have to deal with Azazel after that was done.

We arrived back at the flea market warehouse right outside the front doors, only this time the parking lot was completely empty. It was dark outside and had started to get cold. Without all the people or the smell of the food trucks, it started to feel incredibly spooky and I hesitated. Azazel noticed my trepidation.

"What is it? Does this place frighten you?"

"Of course it does," Rick growled. "The last time we were here, that idiot of yours tried to have her killed."

Azazel's lips curved upwards. "Then I will be sure to torture him before I kill him. He should know better than to harm my daughter."

Rick pushed on the door and was answered back with a loud click of a locked door.

"Great," he said. "Now what?"

Azazel let out a smug huff and waved his hand over the lock. "How can you pretend to be her protector if you can't even open a door?" He pushed on the door and it opened wide. "After you, Kari." He gave me a princely bow.

"Um... thanks, Azazel."

"Call me daddy, honey?"


He pouted. "All this time, I've always wanted to hear you call me daddy."

"Somehow that word just sounds disgustingly wrong the way you say it."

"But...." He gave me the big puppy dog eyes. "You're my little girl and I love you."

Rick grabbed my hand and pushed by him tugging me. "She said no, psycho. Let's go."

The warehouse looked empty, but I could feel magic all around me. The place was smoky and dark like one of those haunted houses at Halloween.

"It's so creepy in here."

"Don't worry, dear. Daddy will protect you."

"You saying that still just sounds wrong. I don't care if it's true."

Rick whispered in my ear. "Listen, Princess. I didn't tell you this last time we were here, but I need to tell you what I saw when I went to the back that last time."

"What? You've never been afraid to tell me anything."

"Well... I'm not sure how I should tell you. I mean, you really seem to like this guy, but the thing about it is when I went back there, I saw that James dude you're crushing on."

I shook his hand off mine. "What are you talking about?"

He hesitated. "I didn't want to tell you this, even when we saw him, but I don't think he's as innocent of evil as you seem to think he is."

"What do you know about it? What do you know about anything?" I pushed him out of my space.

Azazel stood between us and spoke to Rick. "You saw this boy with your own eyes?"


"How long has he been in your school?"

"I don't know. It's not like he's new or anything. I think he's older."

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