Figuring me out.

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After my hospital visit, I realized that I needed to love myself but overall I didn't know. I felt relieved after going to the Crisis center. I still felt some of those feelings from before but it was okay and it was calmed. I then realized that I had different coping skills like, music, coloring, playing games, or going out with my friends. I eventually opened up, met new people although I am somewhat antisocial I still make effort to check in and be a good friend. I did therapies, I did medication to stop what was going on, I tried friend groups and different people. I began to learn that life had more to it and wasn't bad but only with the mindset of wanting to get better which I always wanted. I always wanted to get better and to cope from my deepest struggles. It took me time to really see myself for who I was. I figured out that I had low self esteem because I often compared myself to other people and felt like I wasn't pretty enough, or that I was worthless because I didn't have certain people in my life anymore. But it all is lesson learned for me. I'll meet new people and discover new things everyday.

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