"Savon, you serious?"

"On my mama!"

Chris snatched his keys, got dressed, and left without a word. Before I began to worry myself on the lack of respect I'll probably begin to receive, I let it go believing that I can still salvage our professional relationship.

"Girl, I was five seconds away from blowing up your phone!" Zara picked up on the first ring.

"Zara, I fucked up!" I called her back on the verge of tears while I armed the security alarm.

"Why, what happened? Zara asked calmly with concern.

"So much shit happened in a span of a few hours. I don't know how to get a handle on this."

"You went out to a party tonight?"

"How the hell did you know?" I questioned turning off the lights and headed upstairs.

"I seen you on someone's Snapchat story, you know I don't care to be that type of shit. I don't follow people who don't feed my energy positivity. But you know how this shit go. It was Chocolate Bae, you know her daddy was a one hit wonder in the early 2000's. She trying to break out as a rapper I guess. I couldn't see who you exactly were with because you stood by so many. But I'm sure most would know."

"I hope nobody try to spin that video by tomorrow morning."

"That's why I'm telling so at least you prepared. But I told you a long time ago to not fuck with those parties. It's some you can attend, but it's easily the big name niggas that you want to keep away from."

"I know, I know. But I can't be no timid ass girl trying to keep safe from this twisted shit. But girl, I should have listened to you on this. It was somethings I can't even explain. Guess who the hell I ran into last night."

"So many people I'm sure, but who exactly?"

"Vinyl, he was really on some creep shit. I swear he of had my cornered alone, the nigga would have honestly assaulted me. He pretty much did and then showed me his nasty erected ass dick."

"Girl, go file a police report right now. This is his last time doing this."

"Zara, I want to handle this, but I'm not ready to do all of that right now. But that's not what I'm tripping on right now!" I placed my hand up to my forehead stressed.

"What is it then?"

"I almost fucked my artist."

"Girl who?

"Zara, I love you. But I can't tell you, not at this time. You know I'm like a vault with certain things."

"Alright, calm down. What are you worried about?"

"My career and reputation is too important to me to let any damn body lower my worth or what I bring to the table. Respect is hard to come by, I don't want to mess that shit up."

"Savon, baby, you demand your respect regardless of what you did, how you look, or what's between your legs. It shouldn't matter what did or didn't happen. If that nigga can't respect you as a woman and a bomb as producer, then he doesn't need to be working with you. But honey, you need to backtrack and handle that Vinyl situation first. Fuck that other nigga, handle his ass first!"

"This shit is too much right now."

"No disrespect honey, but you can't hold this in for too long. You got to think of statue of limitations and credibility. People will be quick to throw salt on you for waiting. You know, I'll be damned if they fuck with your name like that."

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