Pancakes and Thunder

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As I headed home that evening my thoughts swam around my head. Here I was walking home from inviting the Avengers to stay in my guest house. It was a weird day and if I'm lucky it won't get weirder. As I came upon the familiar path to my house, a tingle shot thru my whole body from my head to my toes. The feeling you get when someone is watching you. The thought that you were not alone. I tried to put the thought to the back of my head and move on. As I headed into my familiar house, the same one I had been living in ever since I was six. The kitchen smelled of dinner and I could hear my sister and parents cooking. "Mars! Your home." My mom exclaimed. She usually had to work so it was nice seeing her and getting some normalcy for today. We all sat down and had dinner. My sister Cara went on about her day as a ten year old does. I tried to pay attention by the familiar eerie I had felt in the forest trickled back in. I decided to shake it off. After all I'm just tired. I then excused myself as got changed and went to sleep.

The next morning....

Thor's POV
The night had been a stress filled one with the team. These mortals don't know Loki like I do and I need to make sure they don't get to the side of him that they assume. Growing up was always chaotic with all the pranks and jokes but I felt me and my brother had been close. That was until my father had ruined that bond. I decided to sneak out of the guest house. There was no food so I decided to see what the mortal Mars had to eat. I came in thru an unlocked side door on her house and walked over to the pantry.

Mars POV
I was awoken to the loud sounds of footsteps. As I rushed downstairs to discover the source of the noise. I came to find myself seeing the Thor the god of thunder eating my pop tarts and at a concerning rate too, may I add. This day was gonna be strange but first I need to take some of my pop tarts before he finishes them all.

Authors Note
*more to come soon.

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