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A/n: This takes place 9 years ahead

Word count: 611

Y/n is in their room packing up things and then mom walks in "hey Y/n what are you doing?"
"Hey mom I'm packing I'm moving back to South Park today"
Mom grinned a sorrowful smile "Oh my baby is all grown up, be sure to visit me plenty!" Mom said and braced me into her warm arms
I hugged mom back "I know mom" mom didn't let go and said "if you see your dad make sure to say hi for me" I nodded and Let go and checked my phone.

I got a text from WENDY?!! me and Wendy don't text very often ever since I away 9 years ago. The text message read

Wendy: Hey Y/N, I saw that you are moving back to South Park on your profile :D i missed you maybe we can meet up at Tweak bros?

Y/n: yeah I'm down to meet up I missed you too Wendy's almost as much and I missed Tweak bros coffee

Wendy : Oh shut up dork 😂

Y/N Ew laughing crying emoji LMAO I'm going to pack my things into the car maybe when I'm done pack we can meet up and Tweak bros.

Wendy: I'm fine with that maybe we go in two days from now on Monday I don't have to work then

I said i was fine with that and began loading my boxes in the car. I sat in the drives seat and turned the keys. It took a few times to start because my car was old, I've had it ever since I was 17 and mom gave me her old car.

Time skip :v

I finally made it to South Park all the way from Oklahoma. I saw a man in an old orange parka he was sitting in a tool booth on his phone and railroad gates soon blocked me from driving past. The man got out of the toll both and he said something very muffled "that will be 2.90 cents to cross" I gave him the money and someone in a tow truck came by carrying a limo.
The tow truck ran over the man in the orange parka and another, bigger man came out of the booth and yelled, "Oh MY GOD, YOU KILLED KENNY!"
"K-kenny?" Soon memories came flooding back. How I danced with him and then the big disco ball fell in him.
But how was Kenny still alive?

Kenny POV:

I soon woke up in my bed. I still lived with my parents but I was close to being able to afford to move out. I was a toll both worker for Cartman. He owned an illegal, fake toll road at the  south park welcome sign. My job was boring but I was paid fairly so I didn't mind. I got out of bed sweaty from sitting out in the hot sun and pulled my parka off. A groaned and said to myself "not the most painful death but it still hurts." But that person I saw at the toll road. She seemed so familiar. I got up and left my room and my dad said "finally you're awake. You haven't gotten up today yet." And I replied "yeah I know dad" and he said "y'know your rent is due soon, you need to pay otherwise we are kicking you out. Kevin already moved away at your age there is no reason for you to still be here."
I ignored him put my parka on and went back to the toll booth my body was already at the hospital.

Kenny McCormick x Nonbinary ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now