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A/n: Y/N (your name) L/N (Last name) h/c (hair color) h/l (hair length) F/C (favorite color) f/s (favorite song)

Word count : 1005

Y/N is a 9 year old child from Colorado, South Park.

They have h/l, h/c hair. They go to South Park Elementary with their friends Kyle, Stan, Kenny, Cartman and their best friend, Wendy

Y/N was laying on their bed, still asleep. Untill Y/N's mother.
Marie L/N she said "Y/N!!! WAKE UP THE BUS IS HERE!"  Y/N jumped out of bed brushed their teeth, and hair and
Sprinted out of their room and onto the bus. As soon as they got on the bus they realized "oh shit, I forgot to change my clothes.
" Y/N thought to themself. Y/N sat down next to Kyle on the bus with Cartman in front of the group, and behind Kyle and Y/N sat Kenny and Stan. "Y/N has on pajamas Hahaha! Their such a Fag."

Y/N does not take Cartman's shit and replies calmly ", whatever fatass"
"Hey I ain't fat! I'm muscular" Y/n rolls their eyes "good morning Stan, Kyle, And Kenny.

"Seriously though Y/N, why do you have on Pajamas?"
"I overslept today but it's fine nothing important is happening today."
Kenny spoke up he dosent talk much but when he does it's usually muffled by his parka "Y/N, did you forget the ice cream social is today." Kenny said being barely comprehensive. "Fuck."
Y/N said and the bus stopped at
The school. As Y/N got off the bus, they saw Wendy riding her pink bicycle to school. "Oh hello Y/N have you seen Stan this morning" Stan was Wendy's boyfriend "Yes I have, Stan is getting off the bus." Wendy looked down at
My clothing and said " Y/N! You are in your pajamas!"

I looked down at my pajamas that were under my unzipped coat and blushed from embarrassment
"Yeah, I overslept.." Wendy looked at me with pity. "It's okay, Y/N I have some extra clothing for you to change into, just give them back after school." Wendy unzipped her bag and took out a basic pair of blue jeans and a black
Shirt. "Thanks Wendy." Wendy smiles and puts her bike on the bike rack.
I respect Wendy a lot, She always
Comes prepared. I walked into the school and went into the bathroom I headed into the stall and quickly changed into Wendy's clothes.
I stuffed my pajamas into my f/c bag.
I exited the bathroom and walked to Mr.Garrisons class.

I was the last one in the class and I sat down at my desk. It was in-between my classmate Butters and Kenny.

Tike skip to the ice cream social because I'm boring

I was sitting at a lunch table with Kenny and Kyle, Kenny had Mint chocolate chip ice cream and I had my favorite flavor
Kenny was eating his ice cream like he had never eaten anything in his life
"Uh.. Kenny? Are you okay" Kyle asked
Kenny nodded still eating his ice cream if you took it away you would probably lose a finger.

Bebe, the schools snob came over "Kyleeeee why are you in the corner you're supposed to be dancing with me!" Bebe whined "But Bebe I don't want t-" poor Kyle didn't get to finish his sentence and Bebe tugged him up from his seat and danced with him

Now me and Kenny were alone which was awkward because I never talk to him just one on one. "So Kenny, what music do you enjoy listening to?" Kenny looked up at me finishing his bowl

"don't laugh at me, but I really like poker face." Kenny said still being muffled by his bright orange parka.
"I won't make fun of you it's not my thing, but it's fun to dance too"
Kenny asked me a question aswell "well what are you into?"
"I really like (music genre) songs, like f/s"
"That's cool I've never heard that song"
Me and Ken sat in awkward silence for a while but he broke the silence by asking "hey do you want to dance?"
My eyes light up "Please! This is so boring!...but give me a minute."

Y/N walked up to Token who was in charge of the music "hey, can you play the song poker face?" Token replied "sure, after this song, it's almost over" I gave Token a thumbs up and walked back to Kenny.
Kenny held his hand out I reached for it and he span me around after a bit of dancing poker face came on and Kenny said "did you ask Token to play this?" Y/N nodded and Kenny smiled under his parka "thanks" we danced for awhile until they did the spotlight where you can dance with you partner. "Hey Ken, do you want to dance in the light" Y/N said and Kenny nodded and made a noise of approval.
They continued to dance under the disco ball but as soon as we did, the disco ball string snapped and landed on top of Kenny.
And Kyle shouted "Oh my god You killed Kenny!" And Stan said "You bastards!" My face filled with sorrow. But I wasent able to cry. I pushed the disco ball off of Kenny with Clyde, Jimmy, and Mr. Mackey the chaperone. I collapsed into the floor holding Kenny's squished body,
The gym teacher who was also chaperoning called an ambulance and Kenny was taken away.
The dance ended early I went into the bathroom and took off Wendy's clothes starting to cry now. I put my pajamas on and wiped my tears and I gave the clothes back to Wendy. "H-here Wendy your clothes." Y/N said with a tremble in their voice Wendy pulled Y/N into a hug "I am so sorry about Kenny" I started sobbing into Wendy's arms feeling comforted.

Kenny McCormick x Nonbinary ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now