Bullied as a swimmer.

Comenzar desde el principio

At the time I was texting S1 and telling her and she thought it was stupid.(which now I know)

She wanted to beat him up but she ignored him for a while.

I could never look at him. Once my mom found out, she was pissed .

Appearnty, recently, I knew why he broke up with me. He broke up with me because I was too loud at swim and I cutted myself.

^Thats not the type if guy you want. We dated for about 3 weeks.^

After that, at swim. I saw him flirting with another girl. And screw that. We would always glance at each other .

Everyone on the team basically figured out we broke up. We never talked and everyone was shocked. Some knew I actually cutted . And some were shocked, because I'm of the perkiness I put the team in .

His mum on the other hand would just stare, interesting but true.

After I was done with him.

About a month later . (: I actually somehow was really great friends with this other guy.

He was quiet and sweet to everyone . It was interesting.

So one day I was cold, and he gave me his jacket. And all my ex did was stare. Lol it was soooo funny.

So after that. I texted him. And he complemented me. So he invited me to a home football game, first one I've been to.

When I saw him, it felt like we were together . It was amazing. He bought tickets for us and I told him not to, he wanted to get me food. It was amazing.

Anyway . So during it, I laid on his shoulder and he put his arm around me. Soon I knew ... We were more than friends.

Then I saw S1 and she asked if we were together and I said uh no not

And I texted O3. She was like awe.

Okay. So on the Monday of the following week , we kissed out of no where .

And that was amazing. He likes me for me.

But that's where all the drama begins. As soon as I told S1, she freaked and blabbers all over ...

It was only between me and him and I thought I could trust her.

Then on the following week past. And there was a swim regional meet.

I took this actually pretty seriously.

So we got off the bus;setted our tent.

And S1 asks the question In front of the team. And I just look at my phone and say "look you don't need to talk about this okay?"

She's like "why not."

"Look I don't want to answer it okay?"

And then everyone stared. And of course my ex is there staring which made it awkward.

So my "bf" and I talked and everyone said I was on my phone when really I talked to him and was holding my phone .

After that S1 whispers to S2, "I'm so done with them and talking to them."

And you know what happened?
I missed my event . My swim event.

And the whole team was pissed at me .

Next day was regonials day 2, and I didn't get to swim. My coach said it was a punishment for me to go . Which really wasn't xD

I got picked on while I was there, no one talked to me, people that didn't even talk to me, talked to me and being all nosy . They would ask what I do on my phone and I just say the normal stuff..

Of course S1 just glares at me and she's a shucking ugh now.

And then people would spy on me while I was on the phone .

There was a senior that was picking on me on how I missed a event, but another senior I knew for a while actually had my back. And it made me feel great.

After that. I laid down on a towel under our team tent, and well I was laying down on the guy I liked(not my ex the guy before him) and S1 Decides to elbow me .

And it really hurt . Really badly.
I had basically a bruise the next mornin on my arm.

I was done with that day.
After that, I cutted when I got home.

Ever since then, I still get picked on .

S1 of course I see and she glares, and she feels sorry, but I am not pity and I can't explain how much much it hurt.

To this day, she still texts me and I ignore it, and she spreads rumors about me .

O3? We still talk.

As for S2? We I mean barely.

And for my ex? Screw him. I'm done .

And to this day. I have the Scars. Everyone on the swim team , well(mainly seniors) still hate me, and you know what? That's okay?xxxxxxxxx



If your curious , yes I did recently break up with my BF made ehhhh 2 weeks ago? And that's okay because he has a hard time and I don't want to explain that aha . And I wasn't hurt because we still talk like the way we dated .

Just would like to thank everyone of you guys that have been supported me and have always messaged me
Whenever something is up. And I know some of you guys actually don't have convos with me xD but I mean hit me up if you need to.



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