


Cautiously, yet with confidence I approach the small village that seemed a bit too quiet to my liking. The streets were completely empty and no voices could be heard from the houses or the surrounding forest. Judging by the absence of the humans, I come to the conclusion that this settlement is either abandoned or the inhabitants had some sort of reason to leave so suddenly.

I look inside through a conveniently open gate and spot one of those fire pits in the middle of the yard. It still had a flame going, but it was evident that it hasn't been tended to in a while. "Hmm what's this?" I sniff the air and detect something... delicious. Food perhaps?

I step closer to the fire that was surrounded by stones and spot a few pieces of meat cooking near the weakened flames. The aroma of the brown coloured blobs causes me and my servant to salivate, suddenly reminding us of our hunger. Swallowing thickly, I kneel in front of the fire and glance around to make sure that this wasn't a trap or anything. Once sure that we were alone, I grab a piece of meat and sink my teeth into it hungrily.

"My, this is-!" I gasp at the taste of the meat, surprised that it was this delicious. My servant then bites into the piece as I hover it over it's head, making me chuckle and rip a smaller piece with my sharp nails.

Not very princess like- but I'm not obligated to go by those rules here.

"Eat up." I smile and bring my attention back to the blob as I devour the thing and proceed to finish the rest as well, leaving nothing behind.

I then allow the creature to trail behind me as I stand up and start walking around the property; observing the architecture with a judgemental gaze. These houses are made from strange and weak materials such as straw or hay. The walls are supported by tree trunks, but the doors seem to consist of a frail paper-like material. I scrunch my nose in distaste and proceed to sit down on the porch, certain that nobody is nearby to disturb me.

Releasing a sigh, I lean my elbows against the wooden surface and stare forward blankly. All of this powerlessness and clumsiness is making me irritated and a tad regretful that I left home.

I can't use my powers and am reduced to walking around in the mud like these- these...

"Ugh how frustrating, I'm basically just like them!" I growl and bring a hand to my face; dragging it down in tiredness and spite.

I then relax and pet the creature beside me as I remember my younger years and how I first became aware of the existence of humans.


"Sister are you leaving already? It's only been a year since you returned from your previous trip..." I whine to Kaguya as I see her brushing her silky hair on the balcony of her room. Her pearl-like eyes slowly turn to me as she smiles and pats the spot beside her on the luxurious chair.

"So you heard... Izumi." She muses as I sit down and lean my head against her shoulder.

"Yes, Momo was discussing it with Isshiki and I happened to be nearby, so I wasn't spying if that's what you're wondering." I blurt and she lightly slaps my hand with a scolding look on her face.

"Where are your manners Izumi? You can't address him as 'Momo', he is your superior." She muttered and I dipped my head slightly in guilt. Right, manners.

"Forgive me sister, it's just that we're the same age and I'm not used to-"

"That matters not Izumi, you know how our society works... show respect like I taught you." Kaguya interrupts me sternly and stands up, a gracious and superior aura around her as she practically floats around her room; never once touching the ground.

I clutch the fabric of my royal attire and stand up, stomping behind her with a pout on my face.

Our society... the Otsutsuki only care about power. It is what fuels our people and what drives our every action and desire. As it decides our destinies, it also creates the hierarchy among every individual. The stronger an Otsutsuki- the higher their position in the pyramid of authority.

To avoid punishment and keep my respected royal position, I need to listen to the absolute words of my sister and Isshiki... the current 'leaders' of our clan.

"So... where are you going?" I carefully inquire as I look at her floating form up near the bookshelves. Her delicate hand hovers over some scriptures and books as she seems to look for something.

"Earth." She simply replies and grabs a book from the shelf. She slowly descends and hands the object for me to observe.

I take the book from her hands and open it, immediately seeing a drawn picture of a creature described as 'human'. My eyes sparkled with curiosity as I graced the tips of my fingers over the pictures.

Various colours and shades of skin and hair... these creatures seemed so diverse and fascinating. Quite the contrast from us who had the exact same features of pale skin and bluish hair.

"Humans... I think I like them!" I smile slightly, but Kaguya frowns deeply and snatches the book from my hands and places it back on her shelf.

"No Izumi, they are mortal beings that live with nothing but greed and conflict. They build societies and then destroy them due to their constant warring and foolish desires. They are inferior beings and I will travel there to change things... I will help them." Kaguya explains somehow ominously- pulling me in for a gentle hug right after. Her palm grazes my hair and she holds me for a moment before pulling away and floating to the door.

"Promise me Izumi.. that you will never see inferior beings as something more than fuel. Our lifestyle... it isn't meant to care." She said and disappeared; most likely to embark on her journey.

Otsutsuki are not meant to love.

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