02 | Ōtsutsuki

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"And what are you supposed to be?" I click my tongue in distaste as a creature with a very round body appears in front of me and rubs it's side against my leg whilst giving out a weird vibrating sound. It doesn't seem hostile, but one thing it for sure is and that is ungraceful. I inch back a little and kneel down to inspect it closer.

Big yellow eyes that reflect nothing at all, fluffy fur, whiskers around it's face and an attachment to me that everything on this planet seems to have... I guess I'll keep it.

I reach my hands under it's armpits and lift it up to hold it in front of me. It seems to have some sort of claws, but it isn't using them on me; a very wise decision.

"You're quite interesting... I shall spare you from your planet's inevitable fate and keep you as a servant." I nod firmly and hold it in a way one would hold an infant.

Half a day into my exploration and I'm already building up my army to complete my mission and claim this chunk of dirt. 'I'd say I'm doing a better job than sister!' I smile to myself arrogantly as I keep walking through the dense vegetation and explore this newfound territory.

Although the mission isn't exactly mine to complete, I personally claimed it as my own when I decided to go after my sibling and find out what happened to her and why she couldn't finish it.

Originally assigned to certain Otsutsuki members,- the conquering of other worlds isn't anything new and all clan members know the process like the back of their horns. Even though I was never meant to leave the castle and participate in the mission here or elsewhere, I am determined to finish it and bring Kaguya back no matter what.

"Meow." The creature suddenly says, pointing it's paw to a seemingly random direction. I raise a brow and walk where it had directed me, surprised to find an edge of a cliff that gave me a perfect view of what I was looking for; civilisation.

I pat it's head and nod in approval. "Very good my little servant." I smile and fixate my eyes on the distant houses that seem to be protruding smoke from these odd fire pits in their proximity.

"Weird, but that's to be expected from mortals. Are they performing some sort of rituals in there? Why would they send smoke to the sky..?" I mumble to myself in confusion as I attempt to activate my Byakugan- but fail miserably.

Falling to my knees suddenly I drop the creature on the ground and hold my face in utter agony as the throbbing in my head and eyes slowly fades and allows me to calm my erratic breathing. I slowly pull my hands away and stare at the ground in shock.

"I can't even use my eyes.. is it fatigue..? Common exhaustion?!" I panicked and brought my hand up to feel the amulet under my robe.

Or did this thing simply take it all..?!


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