Monty golf

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Walking into monty golf it was darker than most of the pizzaplex, it gave off a sinister feeling the sounds of the alligators slightly making you jump. We should find a safe place to hide until 6z

What about up there? Gregory pointed towards the catwalk sitting above us.

I don't know superstar it doesn't look very safe... it might be our only place to hide though.

Making your way up that catwalk you could see everything from a better angle, you weren't gonna lie it looked better than all the other attractions you saw.

There you are! Looking behind you monty was on the other side of the catwalk. Vanessa told me we have a few traitors helping the kid escape, hand him over and ill leave without a sound.

No! I'm not going anywhere with you, mont started running in his direction. Gregory ran towards the other side if the catwalk, Out of my way newbie! Monty pushed you aside.

Freddy i have an idea! Start shooting the balls into the bucket! Gregory said, but this is no time for games. Just do it!

Out of pure anger you jumped on Monty's back not caring that he could easily get u off but that he almost pushed you off possibly killing you.

Shouldn't you be in parts and services cupcake! He growled shaking you off continuing his chase on Gregory.

Y/n! Over there! You looked behind you to see one of the gator mechanics, you grabbed in shooting the final few balls into the giant cup.

Monty was standing under it when it came down on him, the whole catwalk shook as he tried to hold it. Y/n get down this way, Gregory and Freddy were already on the ground, Freddy's arms were out signaling you to jump.

You looked back at Monty who was seconds away from giving out, Y/n! What are you waiting for? You jumped as soon as the catwalk gave out.

You heard loud crashing sounds behind you but the only thing on your mind was getting down safely. In a blink of an eye you were being held in freddys arms again the familiar feeling heated up your core but was soon gone by the sight in front of you.

Monty was broken in half the only thing remaining of him was the upper half of his body. Looking at Gregory and Freddy the both had the same disheartening look on their face.

Ok.. we just have to get through Roxy's raceway and we'll be fine. Lets find somewhere to stay for a while me and y/n need to recharge again.

There should be a station over here, walking into a unfamiliar room there was a seat and 1 station.

Gregory sit here, freddy looked over to you go ahead y/n i can wait. No your better help to Gregory you can go.

Why don't you just share it, theres enough room Gregory said. Is that fine with you y/n? Yea thats fine.

You stepped in first Freddy right after. He was a little larger than you but it wasn't uncomfortable. Y/n? You looked up yes? Are you ok he looked at your semi damaged leg, yea I'm fine i can keep going.

You smiled at him I'm sorry you had to see that... its fine. Are you ok? Yea just a little shooken up thats all he looked away frowning.

If you need to talk I'm here. He sighed, i just hope this all i worth it.. as much as i want to help Gregory i don't want to loose all my friends. I already lost my old partner..

You had an old partner? Yeah his name was bonnie he arrived here with me and Chica, we go a little far back.

Oh.. what happened to him? He went into monty golf and never came back out I'm not sure. It must have been hard seeing chica like that.. yea but it wasn't the first time Chica got caught in the garbage compactor, it just looked way more damaging this time.

I'm not sure if it'll be possible to rebuild her, or monty. I'm sure the manufacturers will find a way.

What about you? Whats your deal? Oh nothing special i was in a band before i came here it wasn't as popular as yours and most of my mates didn't like me, so i guess thats why i was moved here.

Why didn't they like you? I know we just met but your one of the sweetest animatronics i know superstar. You felt yourself overheat again.

Well lets just say they children and patents liked me more than anyone else. I also had the lead role, everyone wants that role.

Why didn't you stay? Your place got closed down? No their still going, i just became too much of a problem for them to handle.

Ahh i see you have a destructive side like monty, he chuckled. I guess you could say that.

Am i wrong? How could you be too much of a problem. The memories of your old bandmates tearing your suit apart after hearing you'll be getting your own shows without them.

They left you with scars that could put mangle out of order. You looked down.. i don't really want to talk about it.

Ah that all right.. just like you said I'm here if you want to talk. His arms wrapped around your torso giving you a tight hug.

We should be charged enough to get going now.

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