Meeting them

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Waking up on a new stage you take in your surroundings, you were on the main stage with your (choice of instrument) to your left you could see the other animatronics starring at you.

The one wearing mostly pink came up to you
Hi im Glamrock chica! Nice to meet you! She said

Hi im y/n nice to meet you as well you smiled at her, she brought you over to the others.

Roxane wolf came off a little egocentric but over all nice, Montgomery gator you couldn't tell what he thought behind them glasses but u could tell his was a strong dude, And Glamrock Freddy he introduced himself with a small smile welcoming you into their group.

Chica was giving you a tour of the plaza, the last place was your room, it was right next to Freddy's.

You couldn't help but awe in shock seeing your wallpaper and plushies were all you, sitting down in front of your mirror after waving bye to chica you heard a knock on your door a little after she left. Opening it you were surprised to see roxy and monty waiting for you.
Whats up! You said.

Me and Roxy were going to head over to monty golf before showtime starts wanna hang?

Sure you said walking with them you could see Freddy sitting in his room making small eye contact with him until he was out of view.

After a while of watching Roxy kick montys ass in his own game you all decided to go back to your room 1 hour before opening, you walked to your recharge station wondering what your first performance was going to be like.

Your mind wandered off, what will the adults and children think of me?

You aren't a replacement but will they accept you?

What if your instrument fails or you break down on stage?

After charging for a while you made your way over to the main stage hearing the announcement go off chica and roxy was waiting for you by your instrument.

Are you ready y/n! Chica asked, This is going to be your first performance here i bet your super excited!

Just because your new doesn't mean you'll steal the show, I'll always be the children's favorite animatronic roxy said.

You laughed at her, in all honesty im pretty nervous you whispered to them trying to make sure the other two didn't hear.

Come on you'll do great! Chica reassured you while roxy nodded.

Now lets get to our spots! The doors will be opening soon!

Glamrock Freddy x animatronic reader Where stories live. Discover now