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I never saw the skinhead coming. School was already shitty, with Them filling my locker...with that disgusting filth. I was walking home when I felt something hit the back of my head, hard. 

When I woke up, I was locked inside some box. Well...more like crammed into the box. My knees were up to my chest, my precious hair was half in here with me, and the longer half caught outside. I gritted my teeth. It hurted...a lot. My hands were bloodied from trying to force myself free, but I failed, miserably. 

"P-Please…" I croaked, my voice hoarse from crying. Someone...save me...Armsmaster...Dad...anyone…

I-I never thought that Emma would have gone so far. Darkness was my only solace here, and even then, I was alone like always. It felt like I was locked in a box, then thrown into the trunk of a car. Slow deep breaths, helped calm my frantic mind. 

I was being kidnapped. I was about to be murdered. I...was never going to see Dad again. Mom...I miss you...and I'll see you soon. Soon, I felt the vehicle carrying come to a stop. This...smelled familiar. I smelled...rust...algae...the sea…

I heard the trunk unlock, and I started banging on the roof of the box. 

"LET ME OUT!" I screamed desperately. I felt the box start to be lifted, and they dropped me. 

"Ouch…" I hit my head

"Oh shit." I heard one of my kidnappers curse. Wait...I recognized that voice. He was some wannabe skinhead in one of my classes. Johnathan something. Emma must have gotten him to...I'm dead. She probably told them that I was Jewish-

"Let's just hurry up before the chinks know we're here." A second voice said, I started screaming until my throat was raw and bloody. I wiggled and fought, rocking my body and hitting the walls of this box. 

"LET ME OUT!" I forced my hoarse voice to scream out. My captors ignored my pleas, and suddenly, I felt like I was flying. Water started slowly leaking in. 

I was going to die. I struggled even more as water forced itself into my box. My lungs burned as I started running out of oxygen. The saltwater burned my eyes, and started entering my lungs. My movements slowed as my lungs burned from the lack of oxygen. 

Dad...I'm sorry. Darkness slowly started to overtake me. 

I'm coming to see you Mom…


My eyes opened only to be blinded by a bright light. I closed them again and coughed up water. What...what was going on here? Did someone save me? I tried forcing myself up. I felt...something rough...and coarse. 

Sand. I remembered visiting the beach a few times back when Mom was alive. How weird the sand felt in between my younger self's toes.  I slowly started to open my eyes when I heard a strange voice.

"You poor...poor child." Her voice...felt like a warm embrace. I opened my eyes to see a crab. Plain, white, and staring straight at me with it's small, beady black eyes.  

"W-Where am I?" I sat up and looked around. Water, lots and lots of water surrounding the sandbar I was on. 

"You are...everywhere...yet nowhere child…" That voice again! I looked around...yet I was alone. Except for the lone crab, who continued to stare at me. I felt its gaze pierce into my very being. 

"W-Who are you?" I whispered. The crab blinked slowly.

"I am Calypso." 

Calypso? The nymph from the Odyssey? I remembered Mom reading that story to me before bed. The daughter of the Titan Atlas, she tried making Odysseus her husband.  

Do you fear Death? (Worm/Pirates of the Caribbean) Where stories live. Discover now