Ch 11

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I wake up the next morning to a knock on my bedroom door. I roll out of bed and see who's there, I open the door and to my surprise it's Jordan with Jasmine, Veronica, Francesca, and Tiffany. 'Uh, hey guys. What's up?" I asked with my face turning red. I knew I looked a mess. "We're here to give you the best birthday you've ever had!" Veronica exclaims. They come into my room while Jordan waits outside. They pick out my clothes and put on a little bit of makeup. I look in the mirror and I gasp. I look amazing. We walk out of my room and out the house, my family thankfully doesn't catch me.

That day all of the girls and Jordan hung out at the mall and got some good food and hung out at Jasmine and Jordans place. I couldn't help but wonder where Belinda was, Jordan was usually always with her. I thought about asking him but I didn't want to make things awkward. "Hey Mirabel shouldn't you be getting back home now? Doesn't your family do something for your birthday?" Jordan asked. "Not usually, I forget about my birthday most of the time anyways," I replied back. "Well you are turning 16, maybe they did have something planned," he said. I couldn't help but blush a little bit. I did like him still I have to admit but I knew he was dating someone already and I don't want to interfere anymore. Besides dating wasn't a priority right now anyways.

I woke up the next morning with makeup smeared on my face and clothes from the day before. I guess I was too tired to change into some pajama's. I check the time, it's 11:30, I slept through breakfast. I got up and got ready for the day. I had visible eye bags on my face.

Jasmine: Hey, hope you had fun yesterday!

Mirabel: Yeah I did, thanks a lot for everything. These past few weeks have been kinda hard for me so I really appreciate it

Jasmine: It's no problem, any time!

I smiled at my phone and walked downstairs. "Where were you yesterday! We were worried sick Mirabel!" Mom yelled. "I was just out for my birthday with some friends, I guess I got back kinda late, I'm sorry," I said to everyone. The whole family was standing around the table. "Well happy late birthday Mirabel," they all exclaimed as I went to get a snack from the cupboard, "Thank you guys," I replied going to hug mom. "Your Tio Bruno left you a present on the kitchen counter last night," mom replies. I walk to the kitchen and see a box.

From: Tio Bruno

To: Mirabel

I open it and see a beautiful emerald dress. It looks like Abuela sewed it but Tio Bruno designed it, I knew that because it had little rats embroidered on the skirt. I held it up to get a good look at it and it looked like the fabric was glowing when by the right amount of light. I went to go find Bruno, he was sitting in by the movie room, "Thank you for the dress Tio, it's beautiful," I said with a smile. "You're welcome mija," he replied with a smile on his face. "You can wear it tonight at your party," he added. "What party?" I asked. "You thought we would let you go your 16th birthday without some type of celebration?" Abuela said from behind. "Well thank you guys," I said. "Am I allowed to invite 2 friends?" I asked. "Sure," Abuela replied. I thanked her and walked up to my room and texted Jordan and Jasmine

Mirabel: Hey guys, my family is having a little party for me tonight, would you guys wanna come?

Jordan: Sure we can probably make it

Mirabel: Awesome, see you tonight

Jordan: Yep, see ya

This is awesome! I can't get involved with him again but that doesn't mean I can't like him. I know I sound like a jerk but I kinda hope that him and Belinda broke up. Not because I want to be with him, but because I don't want to be near Belinda. I know it's selfish but if that's what I want then I've got to let myself have that. Besides if she shows up there's no way in hell that she's staying.

A|N: sorry for the short chapter but the next one will be worth it, trust me 

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