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I woke up and laid in bed contemplating life. I mean school sucked, family life sucked, just life in general was shitty right now. I rolled out of bed and got ready, every day since our fight I've been leaving to school early to avoid Camilo. I want us to make up but I'm worried he won't forgive me. I get to school 20 minutes early and wait in the classroom for the bell to ring. The teacher walks in and asks, "Why are you here so early Mirabel?". "Long story," I reply not wanting to explain. Soon kids start pooling in the classroom and take their seats. In the crowd of kids I see Francesca coming towards me, "Hey Mirabel," she says. "Hi, I didn't realize you were in this class with me," I replied with a chuckle. "Okay class, let's get back to working on our essays," our teacher starts. I pull out my paper and start writing, I'm doing my essay on betrayal and I submitted it to read during our school meeting, I wanted to share my feelings. Francesca comes up to me and starts gossiping about some boy she likes, honestly I wasn't paying attention, I just wanted to work on my essay. I think this'll be good for me to focus on something else other than all the drama that's been going on.

Once the bell rings I walk out in the hallway to get to my next class but I run into someone and we crash on the floor. It's Camilo. "Um sorry," I say awkwardly. "It's fine," he replies. That's the first thing we've said to each other in over a week. It's something I guess. I want us to get along again, hopefully soon I'll be able to talk to him again.

My morning classes ended and now I'm heading to lunch. I can't help but wonder why Jordan stopped by my place last night but it's not like anything he was gonna say, he meant, he's all touchy feely in the corner with Belinda during lunch hour. I hate watching them be flirty and happy so I walk out to the hallway to work on my essay, one thing I didn't know was how to end the essay. I hear the bell ring and walk to class, my math class was always the most boring, I usually just draw in my notebook. Just then I hear my name over the announcements "Mirabel Madrigal please make your way down to the front office, Mirabel Madrigal," . I stand up and leave to the office, to my surprise it's Jordan, "Hey MIrabel, you've been ignoring me all day but you left this at my house when you were hanging out with my sister yesterday," he said to me. I knew I didn't wear that bracelet yesterday, "Um thank you," I replied. "Can we talk? Alone," he whispered as we were walking out. Once we were in the hallway I said "How did you get that bracelet? I didn't wear it yesterday,". "It was on your dresser and you weren't talking to me," he said. "Yeah but that's no reason to take something from me, I told you why I was mad so leave me alone!" I shouted. He grabbed me by the shoulder and looked me in the eyes. "Just let me explain myself," he replied to me calmly. "You've got 2 minutes, explain," I said. "I was showing Belinda how I wanted to ask you out to the dance but then I saw you storm off with Camilo and you've ignored me ever since, so I just asked Belinda and she agreed because she didn't think that Camilo was gonna ask her. But after the dance we figured out that we actually liked each other, we didn't use you guys, I promise," he said. "Belinda and I have been friends for a long time so that's why I was showing her," he added. "Well that's embarrassing," I muttered while looking down. "Look I'm sorry for how I've been shutting you out, it's not fair to you," I added. "Look can we be friends again? It only makes sense if you're friends with my little sister," he asked me. "Sure but one question, you guys are in the same grade but you're older than her?" I asked curiously. "Yeah, I got held back in 4th grade and never caught up again," he said looking embarassed. I chuckled and the final bell rang and school was out.

We walked out together and kept talking. "So funny story, I got so mad at you guys that I was the one who set up the punch pouring prank, I made Camilo shapeshift to do it. But Camilo got really mad at me over it," I said. I didn't really want to tell him but I thought it's better to tell him sooner rather than later. "I knew it was you the whole time Mirabel," He replied. "Wait how?" I said sounding shocked. "Well you're pretty predictable and you were avoiding everyone as much as possible so it's not surprising," he replied. I felt kind of bad at this point. "Yeah um I'm really sorry about that, I was just angry and I wanted revenge I guess," I said back to him embarrassed with my actions. "Well I better go inside now, I'll text you later, bye!" I said while walking away. Maybe he wasn't such a bad dude, I guess I better make up with Camilo soon too. 

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