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"Good morning Camilo," I say walking out of Casita. "You're going to meet Belinda at lunch today in the back row,". "Okay, I'm kind of excited to meet her. Is she pretty?" He asks. "Yeah, she's gorgeous," I respond. I'm really happy for him. I just wish that I wasn't the one who had to set it up because Belinda was a chicken and couldn't talk to him herself. But whatever. "Well we better get to class, I'll see you after lunch, tell me everything!" I say excitedly. I'm walking to class as Belinda stops me, "Hey Mirabel, is Camilo gonna meet me today?" She asks. "Yeah" I respond. I try to slip past but she hugs me "Thank you so much!" she says squeezing me tightly. I chuckle and walk off. Classes are boring throughout most of the morning but during the 5th hour, I notice this guy. His back is turned to me but I can tell right away that he's gorgeous. He has long flowy dark brown hair. I want to talk to him after class. Then the bell rings, "Nows my chance!" I think to myself but just as I was going to approach him, someone grabs my arm. It's Camilo. "Dude what are you doing!" I snap "Oh sorry I didn't see it was you, what's up?" I add feeling bad. "Is Belinda still planning to meet me?" he asks, I swear I could see him blushing a bit. "Yeah, she's probably waiting for you now. She's got long brown hair and green eyes. When you see her you'll know it," I say. I really wanna talk to the boy so I'm just trying to get him down to lunch right away. "Tell me how it goes," I say as he's walking away.

"Hi, um I'm new here, actually I just got here 2 days ago, could you show me where the principles office is," I say to the long haired boy. He turns around and I notice he really cute, "Oh yeah sure, follow me," he replies. Mission accomplished. "Thank you, I'm Mirabel, whats your name?" I ask curiously. "Oh I'm Jordan, you must be Camilos cousin right," he asks. Oh so this is the Jordan that Camilos friends with, fun. "Yep that's me, I set him up on a lunch date with a friend of mine," I say while we're walking out of the classroom. "I know he was texting me about it all night, he's excited about it," he says with a chuckle. "I figured he would be, at first I didn't want to say anything to Belinda about him being single but then I felt bad. Kind of annoying how she couldn't ask him herself though," I respond. Then I say without thinking, "Hey, could I maybe get your number?" I'm immediately embarrassed but surprisingly he says "I was just about to ask the same thing,". I chuckle and punch my number in to his phone then walk into the office.

I meet Camilo outside of school that day and ask for all the details. "It was actually pretty good, he ate lunch and planned to meet on Sunday to hang out in town. Although she did ask a lot about the family and our gifts so I'm just gonna watch out a bit," he said. Honestly I'm not surprised, we've been warned about how people would use us for our gifts. Well not me but the rest of the family. "Yeah good idea," I respond. "Well today I met Jordan, he's really cute. I asked for his number," I say. At first I didn't want to tell him because I thought he might be mad but surprisingly he said "Oh that's cool!" I was so happy he wasn't mad at me. Just then I felt my phone buzz, it was Jordan. "Who is it?" Camilo asks curiously. "Oh it's just Jordan," I say while smiling

Jordan: Hey Mirabel, how are you?

Mirabel: Oh hi, I'm doing good, you?

Jordan: I'm doing just great

Mirabel: That's good, I have to go now but I can talk later

Jordan: Okay bye!

MIrabel: Bye!

"You look quite happy," Camilo says to me. "Oh yeah sorry, uh Jordan was texting me," I respond while bushing. Jordan was really cute but I hate falling for people. They're usually just using me to get close to Isabela or Luisa. It's annoying. We get to Casita and I walk up to my room. I sit on my bed and stare at the ceiling. "Maybe school isn't so bad," I quietly say to myself. *Knock knock* "Come in!" I yell. It's Isabela? "Hey sis, I heard you're talking to a boy at school?" she says to me. "Oh uh yeah, who told you," I ask curiously. "Oh uh Delores heard you talking about it to Camilo," she replies. "Oh yeah makes sense, yeah I'm talking to someone. His name is Jordan," I say. "Oh well I just want to warn you to not get extremely attached to him. You never know what he could do to you if you do start dating him," she says. I know she's just looking out for me so I respond 'Thanks sis, I've been being careful, I just met him today so I don't know much about him," I respond. "Oh and if he does anything to hurt you, just tell me and I'll get Luisa to take him down, don't worry," she adds. I chuckle as she's leaving but then I think that she has a point. I mean he could just be using me. Or I'm just paranoid and he's a great guy.

After dinner is done I walk up to my room. I can't stop thinking about what Isabela said to me. I want to talk to Tio Bruno but I don't think that's a good idea. I mean he doesn't really do visions anymore but I want to know. "No!" say to myself. I can't get him to just tell me what Jordan is like. That's just kind of a mean thing to do. But I do know someone who can hear everything. I walk out of my room and over to Delores' tower. *knock knock* "Come in!" I hear her yell. I walk in, "Hey, so as you know i'm talking to this guy I met at school and as you know you can hear everything. Could you maybe listen in on him and tell me what he's like?" I ask her. "Um sure," she replies. "Thank you so much. What is he like?" I ask. "Um right now it sounds like he's at dinner with his family. He complimented his moms dress, seems like a nice guy Mirabel," she replies. "Oh my god thank you so much Delores, I owe you!" I say hurrying out of her room. Thank god he's not just some jerk.

Mirabel: Hi Jordan! How are you doing?

Jordan: Hi, uh I;m doing okay but I can't really talk right now can I text you later?

Mirabel: Of course!

Aww I guess he really is with his family, how cute.

A\N: So I'm in school and I don't have a lot of time on my hands but luckily we just went virtual for a little bit so I'll be able to update quite frequently. Hope you understand!

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