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THERE WERE MANY QUALITIES THAT Bae Ara had — being a workaholic when it came to school, being a stern older sister when it came to lecturing her younger sister on the good or bad decisions she made, at times, being dramatic when it came to sharing her food and most of all being kind to all. Those that didn't know Bae Ara for all those other qualities certainly knew her for her kindness.

There wasn't one person that knew her to be anything but kind or nice — hell there were times where Ara herself found herself being apologetic for things that weren't even her fault. But even though that quality was arguably one of her best ones, it was also one that made her an easy target when it came to bullying or any form of disrespect at school.

If Aras classmates didn't pick on her for literally just existing and minding her own business, then those who she considered her friends intentionally left her out of things just because they felt like it. Whether it be for group hangouts, class projects or literally when walking down the halls together at school, Bae Ara wasn't someone that was generally respected by her class fellows.

It was pretty sad if you asked her, because she tried her best to be kind to all, even those who didn't deserve it. But that kindness never really got her anything except the treatment of cruel behaviour.

Even now.

It was a Saturday afternoon, one in which Ara had planned to meet up with a few classmates for a quick study session. They had been adamant about her coming, considering she was ahead of them on the subjects they'd be going over. Though Ara knew that they were using her for her help, a part of her felt happy to be included, even if she was basically being walked all over like a carpet.

So she agreed to meeting up with them. But when she'd given them a call, they didn't pick up. Nobody did. They were supposed to meet up at Aras house to head to the library together, but when her classmates had been a no show after practically calling them all morning, she gave up, deciding that something had probably came up.

Sure enough, she ended up being right as not even an hour after she'd stopped ringing their cells up and deciding to rot at home, she saw all of them posting over their socials on another hangout, one that included all of them, except for Ara ofcourse.

It shouldn't have hurt as it did when Ara had seen the posts. She was used to being ignored and left out. But seeing all of them together, having fun, and not even bothering to give her a heads up about their cancelation was just plain awful.

It was so awful that she couldn't take her mind off it. Even after she got an early headstart on her homework or tried starting a couple shows she'd been putting off for a while. So she decided to to go for a quick convenience store run to get some fresh air and forget about the whole ordeal.

Driving and running errands usually helped with that, so Ara hoped that it would be no different this time around.

Ara headed downstairs with the intention of grabbing the car keys and her coat. But when she walked by the living room, where her sister, Saena was currently sat with a blanket draped over and a concentrated look on the scenes displayed on the the TV, Ara paused, taking in what she was watching.

Which turned out to be none other than her current obsession, F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers.

Ara crossed her arms over her as she gave her sister an amused look, "You're still watching that show?"

As if on cue, Saena whipped her head at her sister with a knowing stare, "Well duh, I still have eleven episodes to catch up on." she stated gesturing towards the tv before sighing to herself, "Schools been a nightmare."

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