"Follow us. We have people on the other side," the man with a goatee told us.

Nyra lifted up her long white dress and ran towards the group. Aiden put his hand on my back and hurried me towards the tunnel. The four people let us pass and Nyra took the lead in the front as she directed us out of the palace.

The tunnels went dark and with the rumbling of the building we had to slow down to be able to safely make our way through the tunnels. I tripped on a big rock and the girl behind me helped me up. We kept going as fast as we could as our breathing became heavy from the dusty air. Finally, the tunnel was far enough away from the palace that the shaking wasn't affecting us. Light began to seep through the end of the tunnel and we pushed ourselves to move impossibly faster.

We leaped out into the outside one by one. Fire was everywhere. There were guards fighting random people in the streets and on top of buildings and I realized that they were the rebels.

A giant boom sounded through the air and everyone in Cairo froze. I turned around to see what made the sound and watched as the palace fell to the ground. Dust flew up in the air and a blast rocked everyone and even made a few people fall. Nyra let out a gasp as the rebels all started to cheer in victory.

"I have to stop this!" Aiden yelled so he could be heard. He put his hands on my shoulders and yelled, "Stay here with Nyra. I'll be right back, and whatever you do... don't look up!"

Nyra took me out of Aiden's hold and told him, "Go! I'll take care of her!"

"We'll go with you pharaoh. We just ask that our sister can stay here with them," the man with the goatee said.

Aiden nodded then kissed my forehead. He put his hand behind my head and underneath my hair. He leaned his forehead against mine and grumbled, "I swear to you that you'll be safe."

I closed my eyes and replied, "I believe you. Now go!"

I pushed him towards the fighting and he started to run. The three men started to follow him and the girl with us let out a single cry. Nyra pulled her into her arms and whispered nice assurances to her. She wiped her tears away and stood up tall.

"We'll be okay," I reassured her.

She nodded and declared, "I know, my queen. I'm just worried about my brothers. They never know when to back away from a fight."
She knew I was Aiden's wife. Nyra's power really works.

"That mentality is needed right now," Nyra told her.

She nodded and said, "I believe you're right princess."

"Anura!" A man's voice yelled out, "Anura!"

The girl's head went up and she screamed back, "Father! Father, I'm right here!"

A few seconds later an older man and a younger man accompanying him appeared. "Anura," the older man sighed in relief.

The girl, Anura, ran up to him and collapsed in his arms. She immediately started to cry, "We did, father, we saved the princess and the pharaoh."

"I knew you would," the father told her proudly.

The other man went up to me with wide eyes and inquired, "Are you the princess?"

I shook my head as Nyra said, "I'm the princess."

He looked away from me and towards her then extended his hand towards her. He smiled at her then said, "It's a pleasure to meet you, my lady."

She reached her hand out to him and replied, "Likewise."

He grabbed her hand and responded, "No you're not."

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