Nai shrugged. "It's just the face, not your whole body. But I didn't peg you as the type that would be vain. You dress in worn jeans and frayed t-shirts. Which, by the way, is also my style." He grinned when I laughed. "I just want you to be sure if you do decide to go through with it. Tweaking your face shouldn't be a decision done lightly. A friend's mae did cosmetic surgery, and it got botched, and she ended up suing the doctor who caused the whole mess."

I stared at him, horrified. "I didn't say I'd already decided! Just considering it! Everyone's done that at least once in their life, right?"

"Nah. I'm perfect just the way I am."

My deadpanned look caused him to crack up in hysterical laughter.


I'd caught up on sleep, gotten a job - out of nowhere, might I add - and acquired an apartment through the studio's help. Major plus? It looked exactly like the ones in SOTUS S! I was so excited when Kai took me to my new place, I couldn't stop looking at everything and smiling. Then I flopped on the bed, sighing in happiness. Another plus to my apartment? It was close by Chulalongkorn University. And not too far from Aroon's business/home!

Kai had his assistants pick up my belongings from the hotel room and bring them to my new home, helping me put everything away. Then he sent one to my university to find out the start date and to grab my schedule and list of books needed ahead of schedule to give me time to look them over and get used to reading in Thai. I could see the practicality to what he was saying, so I didn't fight it.

The sooner I was able to read Thai, the better. I could speak it fairly well and understand it, but reading? Yeah, that was a whole different ball game.

Nai and Nate came over to my apartment my first week in Thailand to help me learn how to read Thai. Some words were somehow easier than others, which made absolutely no sense to me, but that's how it was. Nate wouldn't stop laughing when I accidentally misread some words, and the meaning became totally different. Those were the times I chased him around the small apartment with my pillow, beaning him over the head a few times.

Nai joined in a couple times, though he seemed to be on his own team and whacked us both for the fun of it.

It was after nine days of being in Thailand I'd realized I'd never gone to show myself to Aroon and let him know I was here - at least, for the school year. I had to decide whether or not to stay longer than that, though a big part of me was leaning towards completing college here and then traveling the other Asian countries while writing a book. Who said I had to write a novel as my first book? Maybe I'd just write about moving to Thailand for college and then traveling. People say to write what you know.

Wasn't like I was going to run out of money any time soon. My mom and dad had left me a considerable sum of money. Yeah, okay, I tended to buy second-hand clothes and bargain hunt instead of pay full price for new clothes and junk. But that was because my mom had taught me how to be frugal with my money.

I laid back on my bed, ignoring Nai and Nate bickering over what to have for lunch that day. My new cellphone was on the bed next to me, Aroon's phone number already added, taunting me. I really wanted to call him. No, I really wanted to see him. Glancing over at my friends, I wondered if they'd want to go with me.

Well, only one way to find out... I pushed myself up into a sitting position. "Hey, I'm gonna go see someone. You both wanna come with?"

"Who do you know besides us?" Nate questioned, swatting at Nai's hand. Nai kept poking Nate on the ear and it was bugging him.

"Have you heard of Aroon Chantaviriyavit?"

Their heads whipped around and they stared at me with gaping mouths.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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