He shrugged and they continued on to the dorms.

"You wanna share the room or split between the two?" He asked. 

"Uh, well Spatch and Tonner can sleep by themselves. I don't want them in the same room as me if all they're gonna do is argue."

"Good point. I mean I'm fine with it. You two are good company anyway."

With their dorms settled, he opened the door and it slid open to reveal a rather nice looking suite. The beds were all layered with soft white covers and the walls were painted a jet black with red hexagonal patterns in the corners. A large television stood at the end of the room atop a curved desk. 

"Huh. . . a lot nicer than the outside that's for sure," Quin jested. 

"Well maybe he's not as bad as he looks," Fischer shrugged.

Almost as soon as he said that, the sound of enraged yelling thundered through the hallway.

"I think you may have spoken too soon," Ko whispered. 

--------6 hours later--------

Fischer rubbed his strained eyes and sat up slightly. A heavy feeling of exhaustion was beginning to drill into him as he came to his senses. The quiet hum of the jump ship's engines was all he could hear. 

He winced slightly as he sat up, a sharp pain shooting down his back. It was nice to get a good rest however. They jumped around six hours ago and there hadn't been much to do aside from rest up. 

He hopped out of bed and made his way over to the sink. Splashing some water on his face, he noticed that there were rather prominent bags under his eyes. A sign of all the sleepless nights he'd endured so far. He could only imagine how much worse Ko had it.

As she popped into his mind, he turned around to realise that she wasn't in her bed, neither was Quin. The door was closed and the lights were out but the two of them had vanished. Maybe they'd just gone to get some water. 

He rubbed his face and exited the dorm to go look for them. As he walked, he was able to take in the sights of this new ship. 

The Endeavour had been a nice ship. Comfy ride, quiet and quite luxurious compared to what he knew back on Earth. But if the Endeavour was a yacht then the Icarus was a cruise ship. Its menacing exterior was contrasted by the luxurious and sumptuous interior. Even the walls were a gorgeous black and red colouration that seemed to glow as he walked by them. The area around his feet seemed to glow as well. Looking down he noticed every time he planted his foot on the ground the area around it would light up. 

He couldn't help but marvel at how amazing all this alien tech was despite having been around it for months now. Sometimes it all seemed like he was dreaming, that none of this was real. The ship almost seemed alive somehow. There was this aura of mystique around him as he walked down the hallway, different lights fading as he moved. It was almost like they were a heart beat, or a pair of lungs breathing. A bizarre sensation to say the least. One he didn't find himself getting used to. 

He shuffled down the hallway and got the the main living room of the ship. The kitchen light was on and there were two glasses sat on the bench. They had the remains of a light blue liquid in them and looked as if they'd been poured recently.

Looking around, Quin and Ko were still nowhere to be found. Neither were Spatch or Tonner. They were probably in bed though. 

Maybe the girls were in the observation deck? 

Everglow: The Trials Of AgaronWhere stories live. Discover now