The Witch

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Goldiha Avian was, in short, an expert flyer, aviator, and racer. She wasn't the best in academic stuff, but she certainly had the airborne coordination made for riding on a broomstick. So when she graduated from the Magic Academy, she was immediately scouted by the Amber Guild from West City as their flyer.

Her job as a flyer wasn't much. At least, as a new graduate. The Flyer Division was mostly in charge of mail deliveries, but sometimes they handled heavier cargo as well. However, this wasn't all about one of the most longlasting divisions of the guild. They were also a great extra force for beast-taming and rescue. Their flexible ability of flight came in handy when came in face with powerful winged creatures - griffons, for example - or gigantic beings that warlocks and witches small on the ground would stand no chance, such as the hydra. And when a disaster crashed so suddenly, who would have both the manpower and mobility to evacuate nearby citizens as quickly as possible? The flyers! Those who mastered the art of teleportation were rare, as the technique required a mind of absolute calmness, which very few could achieve in this magic-bound world, where imagination, for most parts, was the very key to wielding magic.

The range of tasks the Flyers could do extended even more than that - saving pets from trees was one such thing. Or pick-up services. Or be construction assistants for skyscrapers, because they could ascend steadily on the broomstick, bringing with them the Builders with both hands free and a reassured heart to start crafting the higher, more delicate parts. They were also asked to be flying tutors for the young students at the Academy once every few years.

Goldiha did all of that eagerly. She was also selected to be on the racing team, ready to take on the challenge whenever a magic sporting tournament came in. Despite being an airhead, she was born to dominate the routes. The Guild never really regretted scouting Avian in.

Well, except for one thing: Goldiha Avian was a cat addict. She loved cats so much that every time she had enough savings, she adopted another cat. Soon, her small house was filled with cats of all breeds and sizes, so much that the Guild had to put a limit number so cats wouldn't take too much of her time to spend on her job. Right now, she was taking care of two dozen cats, and it was believed that if she wasn't so busy as a Flyer, she would probably take on a second job in the local rescue station just because they had cats.

"For a talent like you, it's such a waste to dream of something so little as becoming a 'cat lady'," a fellow Flyer had commented.

"Why not?" Goldiha stuck out her tongue childishly, "Cats are cute! You can't ban me from loving them!"

The fellow Flyer shook his head exasperatedly. Goldiha Avian be Goldiha Avian. She was stubborn, and no amount of persuasion could move her. Luckily, this characteristic of her never seemed to interfere with work up until now, so they would just let it slide.

Until one event that changed not only Goldiha's life, but also many others'. This is the story of many years before Lucky arrived at Champion Island, in a different world, one that the calico would've wished to be her birthplace, one brimming with magic. Yet little did she know, it was also a world of many hidden sorrows.


It was a rainy day. The sky was black and pouring, as if trying to demolish everything. No souls were seen on the streets nor on the sky, all except Goldiha. Water-unveiling was a simple charm to a now-experienced Amber Guild member, and with the rainfall being diverted away from her, she could safely rush home from a quick trip to the shop for more cat food and a couple rolls of fabric. Her yellow rainboots made splish and splash, and her groceries clashed noisily in her spacially-extended handbag, yet she still caught the sound of small cries - whimpers - coming from an alley.

Goldiha paused in front of the alley. The whimpering sound was definitely from that direction, and whatever creature was making that cry must be in terrible pain. She couldn't just stand still and let a life get taken away by this cruel rain. Nobody deserved to die in coldness and loneliness.

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