First day on the job. (Story)

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I appreciate any feedback! This is my first story ever and I love it!

(Guys so the main character is female and her name is Keira)

🧍‍♀️Keira POV
"Today is the day." I tell myself. My first shift at a job I did not necessarily want, but still needed. I am broke. I need this. I make it in to the massive parking lot of the business. It was 6:59 am, and the girl I spoke to over the phone said she wanted me at the entrance right at 7 am. I need to hurry! All I needed to do was just find a way to the front of the building. I look at the distant entrance, and see a line up forming. This mall doesn't open for another hour and there are already people waiting... yeesh. It's super cold out, I was already starting to shiver in the thin jacket I was wearing. After running a bit, I was close to the big gate entrance. This is a huge mall for kids and adults and it was covered in flashy signs and images of animals playing instruments. I wasn't exactly sure what I was getting into and only person I spoke with was named Vanessa and she insisted that I was perfect for the job.
I didn't really have any specific skills, but I do have hands and a brain which seemed to be all that was needed.
The line up was a lot bigger then I originally thought, it mostly consisted of adults. Kids were spread all over the lot, running in random directions and not paying much attention to what was around them as cars were weaving through. Apparently a few injuries isn't much of a risk if it means they get a good parking spot.
The parents didn't seem to pay much attention to whatever kids they brought, they were on phone calls, chatting with one another, and I can tell that they are just as excited to go and do whatever was inside. As I walk to the huge entrance, nobody notices as I jump over a simple blue rope that blocks my way to inside. I walk in one of the many doors and was isntantly greeted by a talking mannequin,
"Hey there! Take this Map!" It screamed and continued,
" The entrance to the Daycare is on your left! And the Extrance to the meet and greet is to your right!" It spoke extremely fast, and it was almost impossible keep up.
I attempt to speak,
"Hi, my name is Keira, and I'm looking for-"
but am interrupted by another robot just beside the first one.
"Do not worry! Freddy will announce on the speakers when him and the rest of the gang are ready for Meet and Greet!"
It shouts in my face.
It was about to say more but gets pushed out of the way by a blond girl.
"Hello! You must be Keira!" She says enthusiastically.
"Yep, that is me! I say, trying to match her energy. She shakes my hand roughly.
"My name is Vanessa, we spoke on the phone!" "Ah okay! I had a few questions firs-"
"Well let's get started then!" She rubs her hands together, clearly not listening to what I tried to say, turning around and speed walking off.
This is definitely going to be a fast paced job, I think to myself while running to catch up to her.

Vanessa doesn't even notice I am falling behind as she continues at full speed down the main hallway.
"So! I was originally going to pair you up with Monty, but he made it clear yesterday that he did not want a partner." She spoke with an annoyed tone.
"But no need to worry! A spot opened up in the daycare, and you get to be...drum roll please...a Co- Parent!" She yells back at me excitingly. "Co- parent... like kids?" I question.
"Yes! And I know you will get along well with your co- parent. He is very sweet!." She says, sporting the perfect customer smile.

Great... kids. They can be nice and all, but I wasn't really good with them and their boogers and sticky hands.

"Don't worry, your job should be easy. Besides, Sundrop is one of our most hard working employees. He is very skilled and may not even ask much of you!"
We had been speedwalking up and around hallways this whole conversation, and finally made it to a door with a Sun on it. We enter. All that this room holds is a large white board on the wall and another door.
"This will be where you find all work needed to be done." She states, pointing at the board.
I look at it, and then back to Vanessa who is staring at me intensely.

Sundrop/Moondrop x Female OC Smut StoryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu