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A/N: Sorry for the late update :(. I'm panicking because i still haven't finished my modules yet, i haven't even finished one
And it's driving my brain crazy and forgot about the scenes that i supposed to be writing more earlier.
But now, i will not sleep so maybe i'll update 2 chaps tonight💜
Also, i'm still working on this book's cover.
And i forgot to involve this persons😔


Jake already stopped himself from following Sunghoon every time he's going home, he just became more shy and less talkative after what happened.

He felt like he involve Sunghoon to their problem, he shouldn't be doing that, Sunghoon supposed to be living peaceful.

"What should i do?.. i still want to go home with him.." he mumbled, pouting, walking like a turtle.

He suddenly stopped when he saw his guard again, talking with someone on his phone, which he assumes that it's his mom or dad.

It looked at his direction, his eyes widened and starts running away, his guard chased him.

"I'll call you back later, Mrs. Sim"

Jake looked back, he saw his guard trying to chase him. "Stop it please! Let me be free!" He shouted but his guard just ignored it.

He smiled when he saw Sunghoon, earphones are plugged on his ears, looking down.

He was about to call his name when he realized that he will just get Sunghoon involve again, he don't want that to happen so he took the other direction.

He looked back and his guard are still chasing him and he's catching up so fast.

He looked around and saw crowd, "right timing, i can blend in with them" he mumbled and did his best to run fast as he can.

He run between the crowd, turning around to look if his guard is still following him, he bumped many times with the people but they seems not to be caring about it.

All of them are gathered around, waiting for the celebrity that will come out in just a few minutes.

Jake got out from it and he can't see his guard anymore, his guard probably losed him because there's too many people.

He let out an relief smile, catching his breathe, palm on his waist.

He looked around, he's not familiar with the place he's in right now.

Probably because his parents are strict, he couldn't go anywhere when school has finally ended, his guards are always outside their gate, waiting for him.

But now that he's finally free, he's clueless about the other places, "it's all because of my guard, my parents.." he mumbled in disbelief, massaging the bridge of his nose.

He sighed.


Sunghoon stretches his body when he finally got home, putting down his phone and earphone.

He approached Jake's room and knocked on his door, making sure that he's finally home, he's always doing that, sometimes he will just barge in like it's his own room.

But Jake seems not be caring about it.

No one answered so he opened it, he saw no one.

"Did he hang out with his friends first?" He asked himself and closed his door.

He just shrugged but then he saw his phone on the table, charging. He laughed, "this is why he's so quiet earlier, he forgot his phone"

His phone suddenly made a ding sound, he looked at it and saw his lock screen, he leaned more closer to look at it closely.

RUN AWAY | JAKEHOONWhere stories live. Discover now