6: Hospital and Story

Start from the beginning

I stepped out of my spot and caught a brief image of the woman, she was tall and slender, with an oval-shaped face, long black hair, and a creamy fair complexion, as she turned to face the doors of the elevator, I saw her face. Truthfully, I only caught a slight glimpse before the doors closed completely, I swallowed thickly before hurrying back into my office where I locked my door and leaned against it.

I whimpered slightly and pulled the chain around my neck out of my shirt, it was a plain 14krt gold band, Beatrice's was much more extravagant. The shining gold glimmered in his eyes as he gently unclipped the chain and took it off before sliding it onto my cold ring finger. Venom lined my eyes as I pressed a gentle kiss upon the band, "Beatrice...I miss you so much," I whimpered in pain before allowing myself a moment to mourn for her. After that moment, I quickly pulled the band off my finger and slid it back onto the chain before continuing with my work.

*Beatrice's POV*

"Carlisle?" I muttered so quietly inside the elevator that Doctor Martins didn't hear me. I shook my head, quickly ridding myself of the brief image, before turning to Doctor Martins, "Thank you for allowing me the month to adjust to Forks," I appreciated.

"Not a problem Doctor Heinz," he replied as we exited the elevator and headed toward the entrance of the hospital.

"Thank you for walking me out, Doctor Martins," I appreciated as we stepped outside, "I'll see you again in a month."

"You have a lovely time here in Forks," he said and left with a pat on my shoulder.

I swiftly climbed into my car and left the hospital, I made sure to keep to the speed limit while trying to get home as fast as I could, I turned sharply around the corner that lead to my home. Upon seeing the familiar building, I slowed to a stop and parked before speeding into the house and my office and gently shutting the door.

I swallowed thickly, the scent of my lost lover still fresh in my mind. Mint and Cedarwood. It was Carlisle's scent. Venom lined my eyes, as I collapsed into my chair with my head in my hands, a soft knock grabbed my attention, "Come in," I called softly, Christian opened the door and poked his head in, "Sweetheart, I'm sorry I wasn't aware you and the others were home already."

"It's just me right mom," he replied and walked over before leaning on the desk, "The others went hunting."

"Oh, okay then," I said and smiled up at him, "Was there something you needed?"

"Why're you upset?" he asked before kneeling in front of me and caressing my cheek softly.

"It's nothing, sweetheart," I assured him and caressed his head, before pressing a kiss to his forehead, "Don't worry about me," Christian then look down as if he were thinking about something, "What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

He was quiet for a minute, "Can you tell me about Dad, please mom," he begged, "I ask every year and you always say you'll tell me soon, I'm tired of waiting Mom," he pleaded.

I sighed and gave in, "Okay, I'll tell you all about him," I replied with a soft smile.

I took a deep breath and began the story, "Your father was the son of a pastor. He was born in 1640 a year before I was born, during a time of religious and political upheaval. Sadly, his mother passed while giving birth to him," I swallowed thickly, "His father and other pastors led hunts for the supernatural. Werewolves, witches, warlocks, anything that was deemed to be unhuman, claiming that they were attempting to rid the world of evil and sin."

I paused again, "Many a time, however, these groups would end up killing innocent citizens. As his father aged, your father took over the raids. He was less at ease about killing as his father was, but he was intelligent enough to find a real coven of vampires inhabiting the sewers of London," I stopped and wiped my eyes, "This was the last time I saw your father, when I was eight months pregnant with you, my love," I caress Christian's cheek as he leaned into my hand, "Your father led the hunt after them, and in the chaos that ensued, he was lost, I never saw him after that...the town believed he was dead, but I had hope," I smiled softly, "I hoped every day that he would come back to me...but he never did."

Christian looked up at me before pressing his forehead against mine, "I'm sorry you had to go through that Mom," he apologized, "But I'm happy to know a bit about him."

I smiled at my sweet boy before grabbing his face gently, "You're so sweet Christian, I see your father in you every day that passes, your compassionate and you care more about this family than anyone else besides me," I expressed and kissed his forehead, "We should probably go hunting now, your eyes are starting to darken."

With that, I stood from my chair and walked towards the door, "Mom," Christian called from behind me causing me to turn to look at him from the doorway, "What was dad's name?"

I smiled sadly, "Carlisle," I said and walked away.

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