New Job

454 11 25

"Hope you enjoy! Sorry its so short!! 💚"


Y/N Pov. 


I woke up to my alarm going off, I groaned but quickly remembered WHY I had to wake up. I quickly got out of bed to get ready for my job tour, I was so excited! I took a shower, put on new {nice} clothes, grabbed a small snack and headed out the door to my car. I turned my car on and drove the 15 minute ride to get to there, I parked my car outside the entrance and made my way to the pizza plex's doors. As I walked in I was greated by Vanessa, "Hello! You must be Y/N!" She held out a hand for me to shake, "Yup! That's me!" I said with a cherry tone. "Please follow me this way Y/N, the boss wanted to see you as soon as you got here" Vanessa said calmly as she led me through the huge pizza plex. 'I wonder what the boss is like...hopefully he isn't like me other boss' I shivered at the thought, We finally made it to the manager's office and walked in. "Ah! Hello! You must be Y/N, yes?" He said, "Yes sir" I replied, "Well I heard you wanted to be a waitress?" I eagerly nodded, "Hah! You got the job, but...I may have you fill in sometimes for other workers, ok?" He said, "Of course! When do I start?" I asked with a small smile. "Vanessa will show you to the locker room for your uniform and the way to the Pizza Pad!" He said kindly, "Alright! Come on, this way Y/N" Vanessa said standing up and walking to the door. I said my goodbye to my boss and quickly ran up to Vanessa who was getting farther and father ahead of me. "Vanessa!! Slow down!" I said finally catching up to her, "Oh! Sorry Y/N- but guess what we're here!" She said as she walked through a door that said 'Staff Only!' on it. As I walked in Vanessa handed me the uniform and walked out saying "I'll wait for you out here! Don't take too long though!" I sighed and changed. As I looked in the mirror I saw that the uniforms were a bit sexist but not too much, just the shirt is a little bit too tight. I quickly put my other clothes & belongings into a locker and ran out of the room to Vanessa. "Finally! Okay lets go!" Vanessa said grabbing your arm and dragging me to the pizza pad. When we got there she let my arm go and walked me inside and then left. 'Why Vanessa?!' I looked around for the 'staff only' door and was soon as I spotted it I walked through it. "Oh! You must be Y/N! Right..?" A lady with a small british accent and soft brown hair asked, "Yes, I'm Y/N! And you are?" I questioned. "Ah! I'm Cory! The other waitress here!" She said holding out a hand, "Nice to meet you Cory!" "You too Y/N! Now we better get to work lunch rush is starting" Cory said grabbing your arm and pulling you towards the counters. As Cory left to go get someones order, I saw a family of 4 walk in and sit in a booth. I quickly made my way over to them, "Hello! I'm Y/N and I'll be your waitress today! What can I start you off with?" I said grabbing my pen & small notepad from my pocket, "Hello! Can we have 4 Fizzy-Faz's?" I smiled, "Of course! I'll go get those for you and give you time to think about your food!" I said and walked away to get their drinks. As I got their drinks ready I heard shouting so I ran out to the lobby to see what was happening. A tall man with blonde hair was harassing Cory, I quickly walked over and said, "Sir, please get your hands off of the staff and leave before I call security" the man looked at me and snickered, "Oh yeah? And why should I believe you...pip squeak" the man said making his grip on Cory stronger. "SECURITY!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and then sucker punched the man in the nose, I quickly grabbed Cory and held her protectively until security arrived. They roughly pushed the man to the exit of the building, Cory quickly hugged me and sobbed. "Shh...Shhh~ its okay Cory, he can't hurt you anymore" I said calmly, Cory calmed herself and headed back to work as did I. "I'm so sorry about the wait! My co-worker Cory had some trouble with someone" I said as I put their drinks down on the table, "Oh my! Is she alright?" The lady asked, "She's okay just a bit shaken up" I said with a smile. I quickly took their order and went to give it to the people in the kitchen, when then food was done I made my way towards their table. "Here you go guys!" I said in a cherry tone, "Thank you Miss!" the little kid's said, "Aww! Your welcome! Is there anything else I can get you guys?" The mother & father shook their heads and I smiled then left them to eat. 20 minutes later and the pizza pad is finally closing, "Finally! What a tiring day" I said making my way out of the pizza pad only to hear my name from behind me, "Wait up Y/N!!" Cory said running up to me, "Yes, Cory?" I asked her while I continued to walk to the locker room. "Thank you..for earlier.." She said looking down with sad eyes, "Your welcome Cory! I couldn't just stand their and let him hurt you now could I?" I responded with a smile. We exchanged phone numbers and went our separate ways, once I made it to the locker room I grabbed my stuff and left towards the exit. As I got to my car I turned the radio one and drove home, I parked my car and got out, heading towards my house door. I unlocked it and walked in, closing it behind me, heading to my room to change into PJ's and flopped onto my bed. 'What a strange day today...' And with that I fell asleep for the night.

~Bloody-Chan {1064 Words}

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