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hey guys I'm writing this in the school bathroom :D


i lazily made my way to the pizza plex, still, that dream was living rent free in my head

'was that really map bot or am I just obsessed..?'

'must be the fucking janitor mop that messed up my head'


I walked towards the staff door and pushed it

"your shift is last today" delilah spoke as she saw me enter

"I know" I put my bag down and sit down on a empty table with my head rested on my arms

delilah glanced at me, her expression softened and decided to stay quiet.

it's just that she cannot fucking shut up

"sad that you may not see your dear map bot?" she tried to lighten the mood up

"nah its okay.."

"if you're gonna stay like that you better set up an alarm you know?" she picked up some boxes


she looked at me briefly and continued her thing


i lifted my head from my arms and my vision was blurry

'maybe i do need glasses...'

my head fell to my arms, using them as a pillow

but hell no, I can't even rest for 5 minutes without someone throwing fucking ROCKS at me.

look, I'm a big fan of the rock but NOT THIS WAY FUCKING PLEASE

I looked up to see no one but as I was about to continue sleeping but I saw a shadow behind a bush nearby

'the hell..' I thought

I got up from the table I was sitting at, making my way to the bush

'this is how people die at movies, hell yeah' I laughed at my own joke

before I could make it to the bush, someone stopped me.

"hey! what are you doing here?" a soft voice asked

I turned around

"who are you?" I didn't answer their question

"uhh, I don't exactly have a name... yet." they smiled awkwardly


"why are you here?" they changed the topic

" I don't even know, I was just sleeping at that picnic table" I pointed the spot I mentioned

# 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐀 𝐌𝐀𝐏 - map bot x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora