Autumn Sickness

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A/N: Hey everyone! I cross-posted this fic from AO3 so just incase you wanted to read it there instead, you totally can! Just search the title. :)

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The leaves of the trees extending to the third-floor windows of the school have started to change color. The breeze has gotten colder as it passes through Sang-Woo and Gi-Hun entering the front gates.

"Sang-Woo, fall is starting soon!" Gi-Hun exclaims, staring up joyfully at the faded hint of yellow on the leaves.

"Yeah. It is, isn't it? Hyung." Sang-woo replies in a bit of an exhausted tone, causing Gi-Hun to turn his head at him.

Sang-Woo's forehead had beads of sweat despite the colder temperature. His eyes were droopy if a bit tired. Sang-Woo's actions are never normally this lethargic no matter how early it is in the morning.

"Hey, Sang-Woo? Are you okay? You don't look too well."

The other boy just pulled a slight smile and a nod. "Mhm."

He's not convinced. There's definitely something wrong. Could he be sick? It seems like it.

Gi-Hun simultaneously put both his hands up, placing one on his forehead and the other on Sang-Woo's. He felt an immense difference in heat. Sang-Woo had a fever.

He swiftly puts his hand back down and with a concerned tone blurts out "You're burning up! Why did you come to school today?! Let's go, I'll take you back home!"

Gi-Hun grabbed his hand and tried to walk the other way to exit the school, but Sang-Woo didn't move from his spot, making Gi-Hun stop in his tracks two steps in as he looked back at Sang-Woo.

"No, hyung. You'll be late for your classes. I can handle myself. Don't worry." the ill boy expressed smiling. But Gi-hun's worry just grew even deeper. He would typically speak in a louder tone but it seems that he doesn't even have the energy to do so right now.


"Really, it's alright." Sang-Woo insists.

Gi-Hun let go, hesitantly. "But, you have to tell me when you start feeling sick, alright?!"

"I will."

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Gi-Hun repeatedly taps his pen on his notebook in concern. He's sweating profusely but not as much as the boy sitting next to him.

Beside Gi-Hun sits Sang-Woo, trying to concentrate on the board while his head slightly rocks back and forth and his eyes slowly blinks.

He fans himself with his notebook to try and cool himself down. His layered uniform isn't helping with the heat.

The teacher continues on with the lecture as Gi-Hun starts heating up himself. His heart is beating too fast from the concern and restlessness. He can't take seeing Sang-Woo in this much discomfort. What if it's something serious? What if it's some sort of disease that needs to be treated early or else it could be fatal? What if Sang-Woo is so sick that he can't concentrate on the class so he fails school and he becomes a failure in life and Gi-Hun is at fault for not persuading him enough to go home?

There's no way he could let that happen to his lover. He can't make him go home now but the nurse's office is still there. He could convince him to go there. The earlier, the better!

"Psst, Sang-Woo!" Gi-Hun whispers. "I think you should really go to the nurse's offi-"

"No!" Sang-Woo interrupts, loud enough for the whole room to hear.

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