Part 4: Welcome to Gorillaz

Start from the beginning

Your eyes widen, you began to breath heavily.

Y/n: "Your really asked me that?! YES! I would love to join Gorillaz!"

You then realize the one thing that is preventing you from joining the band.

Y/n: "What about my parent?"

Noodle: "Honestly, I think we can convince them. Think about it, your dad is a huge fan of us, and you want to join I'm sure your mom would say yes to make you happy."

You thought about it for a moment.

Y/n: "Actually, that does sound like it could happen. But we will just have to see, they come home in a hour."

Noodle: "Let's do it at dinner."

Y/n: "Agreed, in the mean time let's make some lyrics."


You and Noodle we in her room playing some music and writing down some lyrics.

Y/n: "Ok how about this? I need a gun to keep myself among
The poor people are burning in the sun."

Noodle: "Ohhh I like that!"

Noodle began to write it down.

Noodle: "But they ain't got a chance
They ain't got a chance
I need a gun
'Cause all I do is dance
'Cause all I do is dance"

Y/n: "Damn that's good!"

Noodle: "Well we have that done, we should give it a name."

Y/n: "Ok, but what should we name it?"

Noodle: "2-D is usually the one that writes lyrics, and he's always watching Clint Eastwood movies in the theater back at kong."

Y/n: "Well that explains Clint Eastwood the song. That was actually the first song I've ever heard from you guys, you guys sang it at the concert you had here."

Noodle was in deep thought.

Y/n: "How about naming it after one of his movies?"

Noodle: "Good idea, but which one?"

Y/n: "How about Fist full of Dollars? Na, too long. Or maybe Pale Riders? Na, that makes no sense."

Noodle kept thinking of a name, then 2-D's favorite movie popped in her head.

Noodle: "Dirty Harry..."

Y/n: "What?"

Noodle: "It's 2-D's favorite movie, he watches it once a week."

Y/n: "Hm... First Clint Eastwood, and now his movie Dirty Harry. I love it! It sounds so good!"

You heard knocking.

Noodle: "come in!"

Your mom opened the door.

Grace: "How about a break? Dinners ready."

Y/n: "Thanks mom, be right down."

Your mom closed the door. You and Noodle stood up.

Y/n: "Ready?"

Noodle nodded.

Y/n: "Lets get going."

Both you and Noodle walked out the room and went to the dinning room, you and her sit down next to each other. Your mom already placing the food in front of you. You saw your dad walk in to the room taking off his suit, and undoing his tie.

Y/n: "Hey dad! How was work?"

Your dad sat down.

Dad: "It was a rough day, my boss just kept yelling and yelling at everyone. Ugh I'm glad that I'm home now."

Your mom walked in the room with a plate and a beer, she place the food in front of your dad and place the beer down, your dad took out his bottle opener and opened it.

Dad: "Thank you sweetheart. Now let's enjoy dinner."

Your Dad kissed your mom.

Y/n: "Dad, there is actually something that Noodle and I need to tell you."

Once your dad heard that he dropped his opener. He stared at you for a moment.


Noodle: "WHAT?!"

Grace: "WHAT?!"

Y/n: "No, no, no Dad!"

Your dad let out a sigh of relief.

Dad: "Thank God! I'm too young to be a Grandpa."

Y/n: "Ok... Well Dad, Noodle invited me to be in the band."

Dad: "What band son?"

Y/n: "Dad... You know the band."

Your Dad stared at you confused.

Noodle: "I invited him to join Gorillaz."

Your Dad's spoon fell, he sat there frozen.

Y/n: "Dad? Are you ok?"

Your dad jumped up and ran to you. Began to hug and cheer for you.

Dad: "My son part of Gorillaz the best band in the world! I'm so happy!"

Y/n: "Dad. I. Need. To. Breath."

Your Dad let go of you. He was Dancing and cheering. You looked at Noodle she smiled and nodded at you.

Y/n: "Dad there is one problem."

Your Dad stopped dancing.

Dad: "What son?"

Y/n: "Well if I'm going to be a apart of Gorillaz, I'm going to need to go with Noodle."

Dad: "Go where?"

Noodle: "I need him in Kong studio, in the UK."

Y/n: "Which mean I need to go to the UK for a while."

Your Dad sat down, he looked at you, and back at his wife.

Dad: "Let me and your mother discuss this."


About a hour later you and Noodle we're sitting on the couch in the living room. You saw your parents walk in, both you and Noodle stood up.

Dad: "We talked about it. Keep doing your school work online and call us once a week."

Y/n: "That mean..."

Dad: "Have fun son, stay safe and be smart."

You began to dance around and cheer as well. Once you realized what you were doing you stopped, you saw Noodle giggling.

Grace: "Come on Noodle, let me help you pack some clothes."

Noodle and Grace walked up the stairs.

Dad: "Honestly, not going to lie, I thought you and Noodle would be dating by now."

You jolted when you heard that.

Y/n: "Dad, Noodle is my friend that all."

Dad: "Are you sure son?"

You began to think of Noodle, all the time you spent together, and the fact you have so much in common.

Y/n: "Yeah... Just a friend."

Hearts and music (Noodle x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now