"Hello..." I said, still somewhat in a daze. I glanced at the boy right when he stole a glance at me, our eyes meeting once again, The boy blushed and looked away shyly. Instantly, my Gaydar was set off. No straight boy would do that, not that I was complaining.

"Where the hell are you? You said five minutes and it's been almost ten! Get your ass down here right now, Jasper. I mean it. Do you know how long I've been waiting?" Shannon snapped at me from the phone. I knew she had the right to be upset, but I couldn't take her seriously. My attention was already taken. I was surprised that I had been standing there for almost ten minutes. It had felt like only a minute.

"Ok, ok, don't get your panties in a bunch. I'm on my way." I muttered, unable to keep my eyes off of the boy before me. He bent down to pick up his violin case, and I had to stop myself from drooling. His jeans hugged his hips, and every move he made was ten times sexier than it should have been. Yet, he managed to keep his innocent aura about him.

"Jasper!" Shannon screeched and I sighed. I had almost forgotten I was on the phone. Even though I knew she'd kill me for this later, I hung up. Unfortunately, when I looked back in the direction of the boy, but he was gone. His violin case was nowhere to be found, and the crowd that had gathered had now dispersed.


"If I could kill you without getting caught, I totally would." Shannon growled as she popped a sushi roll into her mouth. She glared and pointed her chopsticks at me just to prove her point. I just rolled my eyes and chuckled, taking a bite into my slice of key lime pie.

"Look, I'm sorry. Some guy was playing his violin on the street corner and I got kind of distracted." I said.

"What distracted you? The music or the boy?" Shannon teased. I blushed and shrugged, cursing her for knowing me like the back of her hand.

"Both." Shannon cackled (yes cackled, like Wicked Witch of the West cackled. Her inner evil comes out every once in a while) and slugged me in the shoulder. I winced and rubbed the spot. That girl can seriously pack a punch. You probably wouldn't think so looking at her, but I'm pretty sure I'll be sporting a bruise later.

"Is he cute? You said he plays the violin? Is he good, or does he suck? What's he look like?" Shannon started blurting out questions faster than I could comprehend. I had to stop and think about what she was asking before answering. Yeah, unfortunately, I'm that slow.

"Um, yes, yes, no he's actually extremely good, and he's blonde, short, and cute." I said, blushing a little and feeling embarrassed. Shannon squealed and swung her feet wildly, causing her to dig her crazy tall heel into my knee. I yelped and cursed under my breath.

"Sorry, but come on Jas! You totally like him! It's written all over your face! You would be a cute gay couple and I'd watch you guys get married and-

I cut Shannon off by throwing my hand over her gigantic mouth.

"Are you crazy?!" I hissed, looking around to see if anyone from our school was here.

Shannon was the only person who knew I was gay, and I preferred to keep it that way. In fact, the only reason she knew was because she barged into my room while I was Googling it. Yeah, I know Googling the causes of gayness was stupid, but I was scared and didn't want to be gay. My school was full of obnoxious bullies, and although I'm too big for them to do anything to me (6"4 baby!), I didn't feel like having to deal with them every day.

I sighed as Shannon nodded and I uncovered her mouth.

"Besides, I didn't even talk to him. How would I know if I liked him if I don't even know his name?" I said quietly.

"You don't have to know someone's name to have feelings for them. It's called love at first sight." Shannon said while smiling. I just shrugged, ending the discussion.

She finished up the rest of her sushi before wiping her hands and checking her watch. Her eyes got big and she hurried to grab her purse.

"Shit, we have like two minutes!" She exclaimed. I cursed and grabbed my backpack to take out my wallet. Shannon beat me to it and tossed a twenty onto the table.

"Hey, I'm not letting you-

"Shut up! No time!" Shannon cut me off, grabbed my arm, and practically dragged me out of the resturant. But not before she winked at a tall boy with curly, black hair waiting on a nearby table. I rolled my eyes. Typical Shannon.

Dedicated to xxWhoAteMyCookiexx simply because her story High School Scandal was the first boyxboy story i had ever read, and I've been hooked ever since! Anyways, hope you like the first chapter. i'm kinda new at this so...yeah (awkward). 0_0 Comments and Reviews pretty please! P.S. Picture of Jasper to the right------>

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