•Chapter 9•

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I woke up to my alarm going off. I didn't know I fell asleep or that I even put pajamas on but I didn't question it.

I new today was the day and I was excited and sad at the same time. I excited because Cora was coming today. I was sad because I wouldn't be there giving the tour and stuff because I had fucking school.

I got out of bed and went to my closet trying to pick out and outfit. I decided on wearing a plaid cropped sweater that was black and white and a matching skirt. I felt really pretty today so I decided to dress up a little.

Faith's outfit:

I had my hair straight because I didn't feel like doing much to it

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I had my hair straight because I didn't feel like doing much to it. But I did put it up in a half up half down so I think it was fine.

I grabbed my backpack and went to the kitchen to get toast since I was running late I couldn't really get a cup of coffee sadly.

I heard the doorbell and I grabbed my bag I rushed to the door wondering who the hell was at the door.

Then I open the door. And there stood a handsome man his hair fluffy and his eyes amazing like always. His outfit on point jeans and a T- shirt with a leather jacket. He had two coffee in his hands.

My hero

I smiled at him. "Hi Carter!" I said all bright and smiley. He laughed a little " Hi darling. This is for you." He said smiling. "Aw thank you so much!" I hugged him he so kind to me I love it .

"So I was wondering if I could take you to school today please." I couldn't help but smile even wider. "Of course kit Kat." I called him kit Kat because I was thinking about them and Kit Kat are my favorite candy. He didn't mind the nickname so I am just going to keep calling him that. I mean he always calls me cute nicknames and mine are cute to it about food!

I walked out and lock the door. I turn around and I tilted my head a little he was staring at me. "You look beautiful today." I smiled. "Thank you don't look bad yourself." I laugh while he chuckled. He put his hand out for me to take a my heart felt complete.

We walk to his car and be open the passenger door for me. I climbed in and he made sure I had my seatbelt on before he closed the door. He walk to the driver side and got in. He started the car and started to backout. I looked out the window and then turn to him. One of his hands on the steering wheel and the other in his lap. I reach for his hand and I laced them together. I could see he was smiling and I was happy. We were off to school sadly.

We got to school and he parked. He unbuckled and open his door. By the time I unbuckled the door open. He put his hand out and I just smiled. Man my cheeks hurt from smiling to much. "Thank you kit Kat." He nodded smiling at the nickname. Well at least he likes it. If he didn't like the nickname I would have stilled called him that because why the hell not.

He laced our hands together and we walk to the entrance. As soon as we enter all eyes were on us. I stopped in my tracks and Carter stop to he turn around and look at me with concern in his eyes. " Love what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Kit Kat.. everyone staring it's making me nervous." I look at my shoes thinking I made a good choice on wearing my Air forces.

I felt two fingers on my chin. He lifted my chin up gently. "Love look at me please." I look at him slowly. " Who cares if they are staring they are just jealous of how beautiful you look. Okay?" I smiled and nod. "Okay" I whispered.

We started walking again our hands still laced together it was like they were glued there. I didn't mind to be honest.

We walk up to Ace and Ryan. "There's the famous couple!" Ryan said. I turn bright red. "Oh miss girl is a tomato." Ace said laughing. "Hi yes. Can y'all shut the fuck up before I stab you in the eye with a pencil. Thank you." I couldn't help but laugh at Carter's comment. "Rude!" Ryan crossed his arm and looked away. "BITCH I DIDN'T KNOW TWO WERE DATING!" I knew exactly who it was. "DIANA SHUT THE HELL UP." I turn around taking my hand out of his. Carter didn't like because he pull me back. "Hey I was just going to say hi to Diana Kit Kat." He nod and let go. "Yeah Kit Kat" Ryan said. "I swear to God you want see another day in your life Don't you call me that!" He moved closer to Ryan and Ryan took a step back.

I hug Diana. " You two look cute together. If he doesn't ask you out soon I'll make him ask you out." I blinked what the fuck.

"Okay." I laugh nervously and ran to Carter. He caught me in his arms. "Is everything okay." Diana walk up." Everything is just fine." I put my head in his neck so I could hide. " Oh boy" kit Kat laughed and then he put me down.


After School Carter brought me home. I told him I wanted him to meet my sister best friend and he said okay.

We pull into his driveway since there was no point on parking in mine. He got out of the car and rushed to my side. He open the door and put his hand out. I gladly took his hand.

I told him everything about Cora how sweet she is and all of my favorites memories with her. He laced our hands together. And we started walking. Then he stopped I looked at him confused. " Stay here don't move okay I'll be back." I nodded.

About 30 minutes went by and Carter came back with a box. I looked at him confused. "It is something you will like I promise." I smile and nod. I put my arm around his because he couldn't hold my hand. I unlock the door. And I heard laughing. I smiled because I was so excited to see her.

"You can put the box in my room let's go up there and then we will say hi." He nod we went upstairs to my room. He place it there and we went back down.

"CORA!" I said yelling and running to her. "FAITHA." She always called me Faitha she said it sounded it pretty so I didn't mind. We hugged for a good minute when she gasped "OMG YOUR BOYFRIEND IS WAY MORE PRETTY THAN I THOUGHT!"

I looked at Carter and he just smiled. "Hello Ma'am I'm Carter Faith soon to be boyfriend." My eyes went wide and I turn away. " Oh call me Cora please." He nodded "hey kit Kat do you want a water or something." Cora looked at me with an awe expression. "No thank you love."

"OMG you guys are cute JUST DATE ALL READY!" I put my head down on the counter. This is going to be a long night.

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