•Chapter 22•

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(Wearing: A little bit of Faith's past so contains abuse.)

The bell rings. I sign in disappointment I don't want to go home. Mama isn't home because she on a business trip.

My mom is a real estate agent and she goes out of town here and there for meeting and stuff. Sadly she had to go to a meeting she left yesterday.

My sister Neera she was hanging with some friends like Cora then she going to go looking for an acting role. But out of all days no one is home. This means I'll be home alone with my father.

I was terrified to go home I didn't have any friends houses to go to. But I could just go to the library. No not a good idea father will just yell at me. Mama said not to get in to much trouble by him so I'll do what I'm told. I try and walk as slow as possible.

I think father might be drunk when I come home so more fun. Yay.

When I got to the house I heard a loud crash. Yep he was home alright. I didn't want to go through the front door so I just went to my window. Our house is a two story so I had to climb a tree to get to my room. I climbed up which was very hard may I add.

I got in and closed my window slowly and quietly. Normally I'm not home alone Neera always makes sure I am never home alone with him but this was a surprise that he was home today.

Normally on Friday nights he is either at the bar or cheating on mama. We all knew it nothing to hide really.

I quietly ran to my door and locked it hoping he won't get to me.

I'm fucking terrified. What if he finds me?

You see my father was never always like this. But right after these ' important people ' left his life everything went down hill.

He went to alcohol and he smoke more. He always smoke but not as much as he does now. He also drank he and there but now he drinks all the fucking time. The only reason why I know he is cheating on mama is because I saw it with my own eyes.

I saw all those fucking texts messages and saw them together one time. I couldn't believe he would do such a cruel thing to his family. But he did it and he didn't care about his family once he still doesn't. I can't believe I call him my father. He used to be a father now he is fucking bitch and doesn't care about anything or anyone.

I sat on my bed and went on my phone hoping Neer will be here soon. I don't want to be here anymore. Does he know I'm here?

Question begin to fill my brain. I thought maybe if I read Neer will be here and I won't have to be alone with this bitch.

As I'm reaching for my book I accidentally hit something and it fell to the floor with a loud bang.


After that everything went quite there was no longer sounds from the TV. Then I heard footsteps. I quickly went under my bed because I have no where to go.


I heard the door knob going crazy. "Faith fucking Kingdom unlock this fucking door." I put my hand over my mouth to stop me being so loud.

I started crying a lot because I didn't know what he is going to do and my phone was on my bed. I was to scared to get it. I don't want to leave my "hiding spot" even know it's not a good hiding spot it's something.

I heard the door break down I had to make sure I wouldn't scream. "Faith come out come out wherever you are." Then I was pull out from under the bed at that point I didn't care I scream. I was hoping anyone just anyone could help me or get help.

"Found you." He smile and I just cried."Now why were you hiding from me." I didn't answer I just stay on the floor crying my eyes out. He slap me "you little shit I ask a question so you fucking answer it." He started to yell.

Today was the day wish I didn't have a two story because before he could hit me again I ran out he went after me and when I got to the stairs he pushed me down them. Once I was at the end of the stairs I scream in pain I was bleeding a lot. I had a big cut on my head and just little bruises and scratches around my body I heard him start coming down the stairs.

I couldn't move I was in to much pain. I didn't hear footsteps anymore so I thought he was gone.


His fist collided with my face his ring that he had on made another scar on my face."Next time answer my fucking question." He step on my leg making it break. I scream in pain. He walk into his bedroom slamming the door. I was just on the floor in pain didn't know what to do. Wishing Neer was here.

I got up still in pain but I knew I had to get out of here. I painfully went upstairs to grab my phone and a little backpack. I put random shit in there I didn't care what was in there. I went downstairs to get food and some water. I went over to a cabinet where father like to keep his alcohol cash and took that. I was limping really bad well more like I was dragging my now broke leg around. I look over to where I was laying in pain and there was a pool of blood.

Well damn

I grab my keys and was off to where
ever Neer was. Luckily me and her had a tracking thing in our phones so yeah. Easy to find her.

To clear things up Neer is Neera just without the a. Faith just calls her Neer.

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