Wrong timeline

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Dolores' pov:

I woke up, and got ready for the day. We had breakfast then went to the village to help the people

With me getting stressed and camilo annoying the living shet out of me

So i went to the library to get some peace and quiet, hiding from my annoying brother

I read some books, when a girl hugged me from my back "My love!" The girl whisper-shouted

I got tense, then the girl looked at me "ah fack, wrong timeline" She said under her breath

She looked pretty, with h/c hair, e/c eyes,  and overall super pretty and calming to the eyes

A girl came running over pulling her away "sorry, this friend of mine is very stupid. Sorry to disturb you, bye" She said and ran away dragging the girl with her

Y/n's pov:

"What are you doing?!" Mae whispered, scolding me "Sorry dude, i forgot" I said annoyed at her

She hit me in the head and we went out of the library, "Wrong timeline, but same humans" She said thinking

"My love is still as beautiful as ever though" I said thinking of the love of my life

She hit me in the head "You gotta stop hitting me, my brain is already dead" I said rubbing the place she hit

"Dumb, dumb as fack" She said glaring at me, then a hand pat my shoulder

I looked back and saw dolores, "Hi" I whispered happily, "What do you mean by wrong timeline" She said looking suspiciously at me

"Oh love, you'll understand in the futer. But for now keep thinking of me" I said and winked at her, she blushed

I held mae's hand and teleported us back to the right timeline

Dolores madrigal x femreaderWhere stories live. Discover now