My friend's cousin

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Third person pov:

"How come we never went to my house?" Isabela asked her younger friend

"Maybe because i love my house?" Y/n said laughing at her friend

"A better reason to go to my house"

"But that means i need to dress properly"

"Just wear a dress"

"I don't like dresses"

"Too bad" Isabela said handing y/n a f/c dress


Y/n went to the bathroom showered and wore the dress, she went back to the room to see isabela looking at her

"You look beautiful, mi amiga" Isabela said and brushed y/n's hair

"Ok, now wear your shoes and we'll go" Isabela and went to the front door

"You ready?"


They linked arms and started walking to the casita

Some people greeted the 2 friends while some asked for help, ofcourse they helped

After a while they finally reached the casita

"Didn't know it would take that long" Y/n said exhausted while isabela dragged her to the kitchen to get her bruise from earlier healed

"Hola julieta" Y/n greeted julieta, y/n and julieta met a few times

but even though it was only 5-7 times julieta liked y/n because of her personality

"Hola y/n" Julieta greeted smiling at y/n, isabela handed y/n an arepa

"Gracias" Y/n said and bit the arepa

"mmmhhh, it's so delicious"

"Gracias y/n" Julieta said and went back to cooking

"Come on, I'll introduce you to the family"

Y/n just let isabel drag her to every single corner of the casita

"Hola abuela" Y/n greetes smiling at the cranky old lady, "Hola y/n" Abuela greeted smiling at y/n

Abuela thinks that y/n is a perfect kid to be friends with her grandchildren considering that whenever someone needs help y/n is always there to help out

Y/n is also a pretty looking young adult though just like isabela she isn't perfect, the only thing that isn't considered perfect to y/n is she barely goes out of her house lazing around but ofcourse isabela is there to keep her on track, She only goes out when it's needed

"Abuela have you seen dolores?"

"She's in her room hija"

"Gracias abuela"

Isabela dragged y/n to dolores' room about to knock but the door opened revealing a beautiful girl with curly hair

"Need anything isabela?" Dolores asked her oldest cousin, looking at the girl beside her

"Y/n meet dolores my oldest cousin, althought I'm the oldest in the grandchildren"

"Hola" Y/n said waving her hand at dolores

Dolores was stunned by the girl's beauty, ofcourse this doesn't go unnoticed by isabela

"Please do greet my friend instead of looking at her like a lunatic" Isabela teased her cousin and smirked

Dolores glared at isabela but quickly smiled to greet y/n

"Hola y/n, nice meeting you" Dolores said holding out her hand for a hand shake

Y/n shaked her hand and smiled softly

"Well, we'll go now before you melt my friend with you're stare" Isabela said and pushed y/n to luisa's room

Dolores just stared at y/n while she greeted luisa and talked to her for a bit

"Looks like someone's falling in love" Camilo said shapeshifting into y/n and teased his sister

"Go away camilo" Dolores said and pushed her brother away, then went to her room

Still listening to y/n's voice...

Sorry this took awhile, i had a hard time trying to remember the word arepa

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