Chapter 1: The successor of Kaiser

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3rd November 2034

Federal Republic of Germany closed folder with large amount of files in it.
VisExit was the most frustrating thing in years. Not just he lost eastern member that was key to his trades with Russia, but also 4 others that by trade would help him keep developing.
For worse, countries of Benelux stopped trusting him and don't even bother to hide the fact they're a part of all of this only for the financial gains coming from hosting most of EU's headquarters. Greece, Italy and Spain had enough of his migration policies, especially the last one - She was much less appeasing than her father. That left him with old, unstable France, undecided Denmark, Sweden seeking to use the Union for his own gains and useless northern Balkans.
- I need a rest - Germany said.
- The only rest that could help you would be a vacation, father - he heard from behind.
There, he saw tall, young (at least in comparison to Germany, who needed a staff to walk) country, very similar to him, with same colored flag, dressed in white shirt and brown pants, standing and looking at him with worried look.
- I have work to do, I must menage all this mess - older country said.
- You have to care for yourself. Tired and sick you won't be able to think efficiently - younger one responded.
- I can't just leave this mess. It must be done -
- Then let me do it - son of Germany said suddenly. - I'll keep the state together, while you'll recover. -
- Ha! - FRG said. - You just want to be in power! I see, you lack objective. Very well. You 'll see how it is to govern, get experience, and I will be able to clean the mess if you make one. - old clay said.
- Thank you, father. May you come back to health soon. - his son responded, left the room and after gaining distance of few rooms (Germany lived in quite big residency)
He took a phone out of his pocked and wrote a message to no one other that Poland.

"Guess what"

"Can't, drinking with the Group"

"That much?"

"Turns out that Lithuania owns beer from '94..."

"And you haven't invited me for it?!"

"Ya know, that would be weird if we celebrated leaving EU with son of most influential country in it"


"Maybe Czechia will left some"
"What did you wanted to say at the beginning?"

"Vater goes for short vacation and I'll replace him for the time"

"Wait WHAT"

"Got any advises, friend?"

"Screw social"

"I'm serious now"

"Ok, try to fire some useless clerks and check if anything is done inefficiently. Simplify procedures for citizens, that kind of thing."

"That's all?"

"C'mon, it's your country"

"Right. I just don't want to screw anything up."

Germany turned the phone off, and watched car leaving the residency. He was on his own now. But he couldn't force himself to not smile. Now he had free hand. And his friendship with Poland might have "small" influence on his decision how to use this time. When his eastern neighbor was delighted with stories about his grandfather, II Commonwealth, he embraced all beauty of pre-Nazi Germany, of what he called "legacy of the Kaiser".

And now was his chance.

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