Chapter 20 - Madison

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Later that night Maxon apologized to me for not telling me sooner. I told him it was okay but he said no, I had the right to know but he didn't want to talk about it. He didn't want to talk about her and I completely understood. There are just some people in our pasts that are too painful to remember and neither of us would bring this up again.

Eventually, weeks go by and nothing particularly interesting has happened. I go to college. Maxon goes to games. Sometimes at home, sometimes away and I support him and he supports me. The week after he told me about Natasha his team ended up losing the game. I had never seen him so upset and I was there for him. Encouraging him. Loving him.

As for his GQ feature, it's set to come out in a few days for the October issue.

Butterflies flutter in my stomach with nerves and anticipation. We have yet to see how it looks but from what we could see it turned out really well.

Now though, I've decided to get out of the house and go for a walk. I take in the scenery as I stroll by. Maxon and I haven't gone out much to explore Boston but he promised me he would take me one of these days. I really hope so, it sure is beautiful over here.

I keep walking until I walk across a few restaurants and cafes.

Hmm, should I ask if they are hiring?

Well, I've got nothing to lose. I'll just ask.

I go inside a restaurant that has a sort of spunky feel to it and stand in line behind other customers. When it's my turn the cashier asks, "Hi, how may I help you?"

"Hi," I give her my friendliest grin which she doesn't bother to return. "I just wanted to ask if you all were hiring?"

I wait with anticipation and all she answers is, "I don't know. Was there a sign?"
"Uh, I'm not sure. I was just asking."

"Well, I'm not sure. You would have to speak with a manager."

I raise a brow. How the hell would I know who the manager is?

"Okay, well, can you call for one?"

"Sorry, they're not in." She answers in that same bored, almost annoyed tone. I take that as a sign this isn't the place for me and I tell her thank you before I leave.

"Well, that was kind of embarrassing."

I mutter to myself and decide whether I should ask anywhere else?

I sigh and continue walking until I come across a park. I decide to sit on a bench and go over my options.

I need money. I can't just live off of Maxon.

There's also the fact that I get stressed at the house doing nothing. My family isn't here and Maxon's busy most of the time.

I lean back and watch as a little squirrel runs down a tree and blends in with the fallen leaves. It is now Fall and the leaves have already started to fade into orange and red.

I ponder my options around. Do I have the courage to deal with some rude people?

I mean who does but, I get up. I'm going to ask at a clothing store.

I search up the mall on my phone and walk over there.

I spot a few 'now hiring' signs and decide to go in.

When I ask I get almost the same treatment as I did at the restaurant.

The managers aren't in.

We're hiring? The fuck? How do you work at a place and don't know if they're hiring? People I swear.

At one of the stores the employees were actually friendly and decided for me to have an interview.

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